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毕业设计 伺服转台的传动系统设计 学 号: 姓 名: 尹天诚 专 业: 机械工程及自动化 系 别: 机械电子工程 指导教师: 教授 二○一三年六月 摘 要 毕业设计是对大学专业知识的巩固、提高和综合运用,是对学生的理论与实际相结合能力的考验。通过毕业设计这一过程,完成简单机械系统装置的设计,树立正确的设计思想和工程意识,培养独立分析、解决实际设计问题的能力,为今后的学习和工作打下良好的基础。 本文完成了对一个伺服转台的传动系统设计。与已有的伺服系统相比,此系统它具有结构紧凑、外廓尺寸小和重量轻等优点。 论文首先简要介绍了课题的背景,以及伺服系统的应用,然后根据方案确定传动结构种类,从而确定了传动的基本类型。论文主体部分包括驱动装置电动机装置电动机;; ABSTRACT The graduation design is an approach for students to consolidate, improve and apply the professional knowledge they have learned in university and it is also a test of the students’ ability of combining theories with practices. Through the process of designing a simple mechanics working procedure, I have gained the idea of designing, the ability of analyzing and solving problems. Therefore it helps me lay a solid foundation for the further study and work This paper completed the transmission system design of a servo turntable. Compared with the existing servo system at home and abroad. This system has compact structure. Outline the advantages of small size and light weight. Paper first briefly introduces the background of the topic. and the application of servo system. Then according to the schemes to determine the transmission structure types. To identify the basic types of transmission. Paper main body part including drive device(Consists of motor). Bevel gear drive. Planetary gear reducer. Through the drive unit consists of motor. Bevel gear drive. Planetary gear reducer. Distribution of transmission ratio. After the general structure of the spiral bevel gear and planetary gear reducer is determined. On the whole structure design and calculation and checking. Finally, the paper design process are summarized. There is a limit to a person’s knowledge and working experience. So I sincerely hope that the readers can give me more advice if there is any mistake leaded by my carelessness Key words: Servo drive system; Less tooth differenced planetary reducer; Bevel gear drive 目 录 摘 要 i ABSTRACT ii 目 录 iii 1


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