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重庆南方翻译学院 本科毕业论文 生 某某 指导教师 凡凡 结稿日期 2013年5月7日 四川外语学院重庆南方翻译学院教务处制 2013年 5月 7日填 分析《 摘要:马里奥·普佐,美国著名的现实主义作家,他的现实主义写作技巧在《教父》中表现的淋漓尽致,《教父》不仅仅是一部文学作品,更可以称为是一部解读美国社会矛盾的教科书。在《教父》这部作品中,作者通过重点讲述美国托里昂黑手党家族由盛转衰,从衰落到再次独领风骚的故事,来演绎了一段美国社会史。 纵观诸多学者对这部小说的研究,多数着重解读小说的写作技巧,成长历程和人物分析。然而,本文则侧重研究小说《教父》中所反映的美国社会现实———财富与权力的斗争,金融市场中,大银行、大公司、大集团各自为营,相互勾结,冲突不断;各种贪婪诱惑,让社会矛盾不断激化膨胀。通过分析《教父》这部小说,人们将习得与人际交往的智慧,学习到缓解矛盾的方法。 透过《教父》这部作品,笔者将通过以下三个方面来探讨美国的社会矛盾:矛盾的现象,矛盾产生的根源,以及缓解矛盾的对策。社会矛盾的缓解,对整个人类社会的文明进步有着巨大的推动作用,从而促进整个人类社会的发展。 关键字:现实主义;黑手党;社会矛盾;人类文明 An Analysis of American Social conflicts in The Godfather Abstract Mario Puzo, the famous American modern realist writer, his realism writing skill is performed incisively in The Godfather. The Godfather is not only a work of literature, but also a textbook of American social contradictions. In The Godfather, the author focuses on describing the United States by telling a story of Corleone Mafia family from prosperity to decline, from declining to dominating the mafia empire once again, which is also an interpretation of a social history of the United States of America. In many studies on this novel, most stress on the analysis of the novel writing techniques, growth process or characters. However, this paper focuses on the research of social reality the United States of America, which is wars between wealth and power. In financial market, the big banks, companies, and groups, start fierce competition. because of various greedy temptation, the intensification of social contradictions expand. Through the analysis of The Godfather, people will gain a great deal of wisdom of how to get along with people, acquire methods of easing contradiction. In this paper, the author will discuss the United States social contradictions phenomenon as following three aspects: the phenomenon, the causes, and the solutions. The alleviation of conflicts not only plays a great role in promoting society civili


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