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摘 要 城市在集中承载现代文明发展的同时面临着诸多,其中,城市安全问题。 本文主要分五部分。第一部分了危机的相关理论,为论文研究奠定理论基础。第二部分阐述了城市危机管理,指出城市危机管理不能盲目,应根据危机的生命周期,遵循相应的原则,分阶段有步骤地进行。第三部分通过借鉴国内外理论和实际经验,运用相关领域理论成果,对威胁我国城市安全的危机进行了梳理,阐述了城市危机的特征,分析了第四部分分析了目前我国城市危机管理的现状和存在的问题,力图为解决问题寻找突破口。第五部分我国城市政府危机管理绩效评估提出了一系列提高我国城市危机管理水平的措施。本论文只是对我国城市危机管理进行了探索性的研究并提出了自己的观点和见解,随着危机管理在城市管理中地位愈来愈重要,其有关研究将会不断深入,相关理论会日益丰富。 关键词 城市;危机管理;危机;政府绩效;评估 Abstract The economic, political and cultural centers have been continuously concentrating in the city, as well as the safety risks. while , the city also faces all kinds of challenge,such as crisis events. This paper regards enhancing the ability of city crisis management as the direction, analyzes the existing problems in the city crisis management of our country and puts forward a series of countermeasures to improve the ability of the city crisis management on the evaluation of government performance. This paper is mainly divided into five parts. First of all the thesis introduces the definition of crisis and crisis management which lay down theorial foundation for the article.Then the paper analyzes the appearance and importance of city crisis management and tells us how to handle crisis incidents according to crisis itself. On the basis of investigating some theories and practical experiences of domestic and foreign country and utilizing correlative theory regarding crisis management the article discusses sorts and peculiarity of city crises and explains internal reasons why the city crises happen so frequently. The writer continuously presents the existing problems in the city crisis management of our country now. In the end the paper puts forward a series of countermeasures to improve the ability of the city crisis management on the evaluation of government performance. This thesis has merely presented some personal views about city crisis management of our country.With the growing importance of crisis management in city management,the correlative researches will definitely deepened and theor


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