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摘 要
关键词:财务预警, 制造业,Z-Score模型
Z-Score model of Chinas manufacturing industry listing
Corporation financial early warning analysis based on
Author : Tang Y a Y un
Tutor : Chen S h u
With the rapid development of the socialist market economic system gradually perfect and capital market, many companies are facing both for foreign multinational enterprises of funds into the challenges facing poor management of internal cause of threat, for this reason may produce a series of financial risk, and then lead to financial crisis. Once the financial crisis tend to investors, creditors, enterprises and the country caused heavy losses. How to reduce financial risk, reduce losses, become the focus of attention of the stakes. Therefore, to establish an effective financial early-warning model utility is of great practical significance.
Based on the analysis of the domestic and international research status, research background, significance, based on the analysis method, starting from the financial early-warning theory, elaborates the concept of financial early warning, identification of financial crisis, discusses the principle and function of financial early warning, according to this principle, the transport industry a series of financial data. Through the financial early warning model, ---Z Score model construction of Chinas transportation industry listing Corporation makes empirical analysis.
Key words: Financial early warning, Manufacturing industry, Z-Score model
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