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企达工业(南京)有限公司生产厂房设计 摘 要 在建筑物结构设计中,框架结构常被作为一个重要且标准的型式而采用。它适用于低层、多层建筑物,亦可用于超高层建筑物。同剪力墙结构相比,这种结构更适合在建筑物的内部或者外围的墙体上开设规则孔洞。同时它还能充分利用建筑物内在任何情况下都要采用的梁和柱的刚度,但当柱子与梁刚性连接时,通过框架受弯来抵抗水平和竖向荷载会使这些柱子的承载能力变得更大。 大多情况下,框架的刚度不如剪力墙,因此对于细长的建筑物将会出现过度变形。但正是因为其柔性,使得其与剪力墙结构相比具有更大的延性,因而地震荷载下不易发生事故。例如,如果框架局部出现超应力时,那么其延性就会允许整个结构出现倒塌事故。因此,框架结构常被视为最好的高层抗震结构。另一方面,设计得好的剪力墙结构也不可能倒塌。 当然,还可以在建筑结构设计中,将框架结构和剪力墙结构结合起来使用。例如,在房屋建筑上使用框架,而在其中可以使用剪力墙。对于很多多高层建筑,如果墙体和筒架进行合理地安排与连接,会起到很好的抵抗侧向荷载的作用。还要求由这些结构体系提供的刚度在各个方向上应大体对称。 关键词:结构设计 框架结构 钢框 Abstract In the design of architectural buildings , rigid-frame systems have been accepted as an important and standard means . They are the same with? low and medium buildings for designing buildings . They are employed for low- and medium up to high-rise building .Compared to shear-wall systems , these rigid frames both within and at the outside of a buildings . They also make use of the stiffness in beams and columns that are required for the buildings in any case , but the columns are made stronger when rigidly connected to resist the lateral as well as vertical forces though frame bending . Frequently , rigid frames will not be as stiff as shear-wall construction , and therefore may produce excessive deflections for the more slender high-rise buildings designs . But because of this flexibility , they are often considered as being more ductile and thus less susceptible to catastrophic earthquake failure when compared with ( some ) shear-wall designs . For example , if over stressing occurs at certain portions of a steel rigid frame , ductility will allow the structure as a whole to deflect a little more , but it will by no means collapse even under a much larger force than expected on the structure . For this reason , rigid-frame construction is considered by some to be a “best”seismic-resisting type for high-rise steel buildings . On the other hand ,it is also unlikely that a well-designed share-wall system would collapse. Of course , it is also possible to co


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