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宁波市港口通关作业流程优化研究 摘要 本论文首先对国内外港口通关现状的分析和流程相关理论进行了相对详细的阐述。论述了相关概念的界定,港口的概念,通关的概念,通关作业的概念,流程优化概念,港口通关作业流程优化的原则:高效性,服务性,科学性,连续性。其次重点论述了,宁波市港口通关作业流程现状及存在的问题,宁波市港口通关作业各环节现状分析,申报环节的现状分析,审单环节的现状分析,征税环节的现状分析,查验环节的现状分析,放行环节的现状分析,宁波市港口通关作业流程存在的问题如下:申报环节所需时间较长,通关模式和结构不完善,税费征收不科学,查验机制不健全,放行环节流程繁琐。再次对宁波市港口通关作业流程存在问题的原因进行了详细的分析。宁波海关的组织结构及职能存在缺陷;工作人员综合素质较低;准确快速评估通关风险能力不强;政府机关服务意识较低;相关法规不完善。最后提出了港口通关作业流程的优化策略:完善宁波海关的组织结构和职能;进一步优化通关模式和结构;完善通关各环节的配合与衔接;提高港口通关监管的水平;提高工作人员的综合素质;加大高科技在通关过程中的应用等几方面来进行。 同时也提出了宁波市港口通关作业流程优化效果评估与后续管理;港口通关作业流程优化的效果评估;以及宁波市港口通关作业流程优化的后续管理等。 关键词:宁波港口;通关作业流程;优化评估 ABSTRACT In this paper, analyzing the current situation of domestic and international port customs clearance and process related theory are relatively detailed described. This paper discusses the definition of related concepts, the concept of port, the concept of customs clearance, customs declaration, the concept of process optimization concept, port customs declaration process optimization principle: high efficiency, service, scientific nature, continuity,Secondly discusses the, NingBo port customs clearance process present situation and existing problems, and NingBo port customs declaration status quo analysis of each link, declare link status quo analysis of the status quo analysis of the document examination link, link of tax analysis of the status quo, check the link status quo analysis of the release link, declare link needed for a long time, customs clearance mode and the structure is imperfect, tax-collecting unscientific, inspection mechanism is not sound, release process trival.Once again, the cause of the NingBo port customs clearance process problems are analyzed in detail. The organizational structure and function of the NingBo customs defects; The staff overall quality is low; Rapid assessment accurate customs clearance risk ability is not strong; Government service consciousness is low; Relevant laws and regulations is not perfect.Finally proposed the port customs learance process


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