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天 津 师 范 大 学 本科毕业论文 题目:教师介入小班幼儿区域游戏现状的研究 学 院:教育科学学院 学生姓名: 学 号: 专 业:学前教育 年 级:2009级 完成日期: 指导教师: 教师介入小班幼儿区域游戏现状的研究 摘要:幼儿园的基本活动是游戏,尤其是游戏在小班幼儿的学习生活中占据了很重要的地位。而小班幼儿以区域游戏为主,教师选择恰当的时机和方式介入区域游戏,才能更好的促进小班幼儿的全面发展。本论文采用观察法和访谈法,选取两所国办园各两个小班,并对带班的八名教师的介入行为进行观察和访谈。结果发现:1.介入行为次数主要发生在游戏展开环节。2.教师介入游戏行为次数最多的发生在美工区。3.被动介入的正向效果更多。4.交叉介入的正向效果最多,垂直介入的负向效果最多。因此,1.教师应该充分观察,定位好自己的角色。2.教师要选择恰当的介入方式介入到区域游戏中。3.新教师应该提升自己介入区域游戏的经验。 关键词:教师 小班幼儿 区域游戏 介入幼儿游戏行为 The Research on Teaching Intervention in The Area Play of The Children of Small Class . Abstract:The game is the basic activity of kindergarten ,especially the game occupies very important position in a small young childrens learning in the life. And small children is given priority to with regional games ,teachers in order to let the children successfully completed regional games, will choose the time and manner appropriate to intervene. In this paper, using observation and interviews, The two office of kindergarten each chooses two small class, observe and interview the eight teachers intervention behavior .Results found that:1. The intervention behavior mainly happens in the game. 2. Teachers involvement in the game behavior of the most frequently occurred in the Art area . 3. The passive intervention more positive effect. 4. The cross in the most positive effect, negative effect of vertical intervention at most. So, 1. Teachers should be fully observed, locate their roles as well. 2. Teachers should choose proper interventional approach to the area in the game. 3. New teachers should improve their involvement in regional game experience. Key words:teacher the children of small class area game Involvement in childrens game behavior 目 录 一、问题的提出 1 二、概念界定 1 (一)区域游戏 1 (二)教师介入幼儿游戏行为 1 三、文献综述 2 (一)关于教师介入幼儿游戏时机的研究 2 (二)关于教师在游戏中的角色的研究 2 (三)关于教师介入幼儿游戏方式和效果的研究 3 (四)关于教师错误介入行为的归因及策略研究分析 4 四、研究的目的和意义 5 (一)研究目的 5 (二)研究意义 5 五、研究方法 5 1.文献法 5 2.观察法 5 3.访谈法 7 六、研究结果的统计与分析 7 (一)教师介入小班幼儿区域游戏各环节的统计 7 (


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