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盆花自动浇水系统的设计 测控07级2班 指导老师: 摘 要:本次设计的盆花自动浇水系统包括土壤温湿度的检测与控制和蓄水箱自动上水及水位报警两大部分。土壤温湿度的检测与控制部分又包括了土壤温湿度的检测和显示、自动浇水系统。土壤温湿度的检测和显示以温湿度传感器SHT-11为感应部件,将检测到的土壤温湿度值送入AT89C51单片机,再由其输出到LCD屏进行显示。自动浇水系统设计为智能和手动两个部分:智能浇水部分是通过单片机程序设定浇水的上下限值与SHT-11送入单片机的土壤湿度值相比较,当低于下限值时,单片机输出一个信号控制电磁阀打开,开始浇水,高于上限值时再由单片机输出一个信号控制电磁阀关闭,停止浇水;手动部分是由单片机从时钟芯片DS1302读入月份与每天的实时时刻,通过软件程序设定定时浇水的时间与浇水的量。蓄水箱自动上水及水位报警采用纯硬件电路控制,实现水箱水位实时监测、自动上水以及水位上下限报警的功能。 关键词:AT89C51单片机 SHT-11温湿度传感器 LCD DS1302时钟芯片 C51程序 数字电路 Design of potted flowers automatic watering system Abstract:The design of the automatic watering system includes soil pot humidity detection and display, automatic watering and storage box automatic water and water level alarm three parts. S- oil testing and display of temperature and humidity system takes Temperature and humidity sen- sor SHT - 11 as inductive components, it will detect the soil temperature and humidity value and input the value to the AT89C51 microcontroller,then the temperature and humidity value will be output to LCD screen displayed. Automatic watering system design for intelligence and manual two parts.Intelligent watering part through the microcontroller program setting the upper and lo- wer water attained,then comparing this upper and lower water attained with the vale that throug -hing SHT-11 inputting to the microcontroller. When below the limit SCM outputs a signal to o- pening the Electromagnetic valve ,and Start watering .if Above the upper limit value,the SCM will output another signal to Turnning off the Electromagnetic valve ,and Stop watering. Manual part read the time from the clock chip DS1302 by microcomputer. Through software program to setting the regular wateringtime and Watering amount.Storage box Water level control system u- ses Pure hardware control. Realizing real-time monitoring water tank, Automatic water supply and Level alarming function. Keywords: AT89C51 microcontroller; SHT - 11 temperature and humidity sensor; LCD; clock chip DS1302;C51 program; Di


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