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摘 要 本次毕业设计的题目为泌阳县城市污水厂工艺设计,主要任务是完成该地区的污水厂设计。 该污水厂的设计规模:30000m3/d,本工程设计进水水质为:BOD5=200mg/L, COD=420mg/L,SS=300mg/L,NH3-N=20mg/L,TN=40mg/L,TP=3.0mg/L。根据国家有关规定,二级城市污水处理厂出水应执行《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)一级B标准。则本处理厂出水水质标准为: BOD5≤20mg/L, COD≤60mg/L,SS≤20mg/L,NH3-N≤8mg/L,PO4-P≤1mg/L。 本文根据其进水水质,水量及出水情况,分析比较了各种污水处理工艺,确定了该污水处理厂采用A/A/O工艺,产生的污泥经浓缩,脱水后外运。 主要设计内容为:污水处理工艺选择及各工艺单元的设计:污泥处理工艺设计:污水处理厂的平面及高程布置。 关键词:污水处理 A/A/O工艺 构筑物 工程 设计 Abstract The graduation design topic for the Miyang sewage treatment plant process design. The main task is to complete a the region of the sewage processing design. Miyang sewage treatment plant the construction scale: 30000 m3/d; The original water: CODCr: 420mg/L, BOD5:200mg/L; SS: 300mg/L; NH3-N: 20mg/L; TN:40mg/L; TP:3.0mg/L for handling the water quality to achieve after the country the urban sewage treatment plant emissions standards (GB18918-2002) level 1B standard requirements: CODCrthan60 mg/L, more than 20mg/L BOD5, SS than 20mg/L, NH3-N than 8mg/L, TP than 1.0 mg/L. In this paper, according to the feed water quality, water and water situation, analyses and compares the all kinds of wastewater treatment process, determine the sewage treatment plant using the A/A/O process, the sludge produced by the enrichment, sinotrans after dehydration. The main design content includes: choosing the wastewater treatment process and the process of design unit ; The sludge treatment process design, (including process flow and the determination of the monomer structures design); Sewage treatment plants the plane and elevation layout . KEY WORDS: wastewater Treatment, A/A/O process, construct building,design, engineering 目 录 1. 概 述 1 1.1 项目基本情况 1 1.2 设计依据与基础资料 1 1.3 设计采用的主要设计规范与标准 1 1.3.1 水质标准 1 1.3.2 勘察、设计规范 1 1.3.3 施工和验收规范 3 1.3.4 主要政策法律 4 1.4 设计原则 4 1.5 设计范围 5 2. 总体设计及厂址选择 6 2.1项目名称 6 2.2工程概述 6 2.3基本设计参数 6 2.3.1气象资料 6 2.3.2设计规模 6 2.3.3设计进出水水质 6 2.3.4去除率 7 2.4厂址选择 8 3. 污水处理厂工艺选择 9 3.1 污水


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