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浙江理工大学科技与艺术学院 本科毕业论文 论文题目: 浅析中国学生英语学习过程中汉语对英语的正迁移 (中文题目下划线,居中,3号宋体,加粗) English Title: On Positive Chinese-to-English Transfer in Chinese Students’ English Learning Process (英文题目下划线,居中,3号Times New Roman加粗) 班 级: ___╳ ╳ ╳__ 学 号: __╳ ╳ ╳___ 作者姓名: _╳ ╳ ╳__ 指导教师: __╳ ╳ ╳_ 完稿时间:__年 月 日 A4纸打印,两端对齐,行间距1.5倍,左边距3厘米,右边距2.5厘米,上下边距2.5厘米 Abstract (Abstract居中, Times New Roman 3号加粗,单独页) Language transfer, which is the influence resulting from similarities and differences between the target language and mother tongue, has been a hot issue in the fields of Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition. During more than one hundred years, scholars from home and abroad have carried out plenty of researches, which indicate that the similarities between mother language and the target language will produce positive transfer while the differences will result in negative transfer. With regard to Chinese students’ English learning, it is commonly accepted that English language exerts positive influence on Chinese language while Chinese language exerts negative influence on English language. Previous studies concentrated more on the negative Chinese-to-English transfer, but rare is the study on positive Chinese-to-English transfer. This thesis, based on the analysis of the similarities and differences between Chinese language and English language, attempts to explore positive Chinese-to-English transfer in Chinese students’ English learning process, from the perspective of pronunciation, vocabulary and discourse. It first compares the two languages, and introduces the concept of language transfer. Then, it moves to analyze the positive influences from Chinese language on English language learning, and further discuss the factors that contribute to such transfer. Finally, it makes suggestions on how to promote the positive Chinese-to-English transfer, proposing that students should take into account the consolidation of the basic knowledge of Chinese to promote their English l


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