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攀枝花学院本科毕业设计(论文) 液晶电视外观设计 学生姓名: 司马玉龙 学生学号: 200810602023 院(系): 机电工程学院 年级专业: 2008级工业设计 指导教师: 陈晓燕 二〇一二年五月 摘 要 随着我国改革开放的不断发展和中国加入WTO给中国市场带来的冲击以及社会主义市场经济的发展,产品需求在消费市场中也有了明显的变化。当今社会背景下,人们对于产品的需求呈多样化,复杂化发展,如此才造就了当下的家电产品行业的局面,因为设计首先是为了满足人的不同追求。家电产品在市场上的主流思想已产生质的改变改变,未来家电产品设计将主要朝着人性化、智能化、视觉创新以及简洁明快的风格和空间绿色的理念发展。 目前,液晶电视外观设计发展现状不管在国内还是国外在一定程度上都并不容乐观,电视机外观造型方面并没有得到一定程度的提升,其基本造型依然停留在规整的方体造型上,这主要与社会现状以及消费者普遍存在的先入为主的思想观念有关。 本课题旨在研究设计一款为广大消费者普遍认可的液晶电视造型,冲破电视机原有固定造型思维,使电视机造型朝着更多元化的方向发展。通过液晶电视外观设计可以进一步实现液晶电视结构与功能的设计,使结构、功能、外观三者完美结合,实现功能与艺术相结合,实现功能追求后再一次满足广大消费者对于美的追求。 关键词:家电,液晶电视,功能,造型 ABSTRACT With the development of our country social market economy, the demand of consumer market also have changed a lot. People begin to realize that the demand includes not only. Psychological but also physical aspects.Consume should satisfies not only the use function of the product, but also psychology, art, ideology, social pursuit. As we can see, Household products have already entered a period of rapid development. All kinds of household products emerge, such as appliances, LCD TV, furniture, all kinds of accessories, and all types of small appliances etc. As the proverb goes,existence is rational.This is why it can exist rationally in our modern life. These products which filled with characteristics of the era is to serve people. In modern society, different people have many different kinds of demands about a product, which makes our consume market booming. After all,we design the products to satisfy the target people. So the mainstream sense of household products on the market has already changed .For instance ,human intelligence design, creative visual design and concise style and space green concept has been formed. At present,the development status of LCD TV appearance design is not optimistic at home and abroad.TV appearance doesnt get a degree of upgrading because its basic form still remain in the regular square shape.this situation is


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