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东北农业大学学士学位论文 学号:白三叶对高羊茅种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响 学生姓名:指导教师: 所在学院:园艺学院 所学专业:园 林 研究方向:园林植物 东 北 农 业 大 学 中国·哈尔滨 2013年6月 Northeast Agriculture University Bachelor Degree Dissertation No:Effect of Trifoliurn repens L. on the Seed Germination and Seedling Grpwth of Festuca arundinacea Undergraduate: Tutor: Department: Department of Landscape Architecture, College of Horticulture Major: Landscape Architecture Field: Landscape Plant Northeast Agricultural University Harbin·China June 2013 摘要 白三叶Trifolium repens L.)原产欧洲,是世界上分布最广的豆科植物,从北极边缘到赤道高海拔地区都有分布。白三叶开始主要用作牧草,近几年人们逐渐认识到白三叶草坪的美观、整洁的观赏价值和经济环保的生态价值。白三叶在混播草坪中可以为其他草种遮阴固氮,在地区将白三叶和高羊茅混播。有研究证实,白三叶对其他植物有化感作用,本主要对白三叶的化感作用做一些探讨,明确白三叶对高羊茅生长的影响为白三叶与高羊茅的混播提供理论依据。 实验结果表明,白三叶水浸液对高羊茅种子的发芽率、发芽指数有抑制作用,且随水浸液浓度的升高,抑制作用明显加强;白三叶水浸液而白三叶水浸液对高羊茅幼苗根长和株高的生长有促进作用,且随浓度的升高表现出先升高后降低的变化规律。高羊茅的不同生长部位对白三叶水浸液的敏感程度也不同:当白三叶水浸液浓度为10mg/ml时,对高羊茅地上部分的生长促进作用最明显;当浓度是50mg/ml时,促进作用最明显。 关键词: 白三叶; 高羊茅; 水浸液; 化感作用; Abstract White clover (Trifolium repens.L) native to Europe,is the worlds most widely distributed legumes are distributed from the edge of the Arctic to the equator at high altitudes. White clover is mainly used as pasture began in recent years,was only used as a lawn grass,people gradually realize that white clover lawn beautiful,clean ornamental value and ecological value of the economic environment. Mixture of white clover in the grass lawn in shade for other nitrogen fixation,so in the following areas will be white clover and tall fescue Mixture. Studies have confirmed that white clover plants to other allelopathy,this experiment focused on allelopathy of white clover to do some research,a clear white clover allelopathic effects on growth of tall fescue. By studying the different concentrations of white clover aqueous extracts of tall fescue seed germination rate,germination index and seedling height root length,hoping to clear out the white clover Tri


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