英语跨文化Lecture 2.pptVIP

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英语跨文化Lecture 2.ppt

Lecture 2 Classroom activity 1 Read the short passage The Gift, apply the words and phrases suggesting possibilities (maybe, perhaps, it may be, one possibility, it is possible) in finishing the following tasks. 1. Why Ms. Kelsen won’t accept the gift? List as many possible explanations as you can think of. 2. Think of Chinese idioms about GIFT and explain these idioms in English. “意思意思”的故事 某老外苦学汉语十年,到中国参加汉语考试,试题如下:?   题目:请解释下文中每个“意思”的意思。  ?   阿呆给领导送红包时,两人的对话颇有意思。   ?   领导:“你这是什么意思?”   ?   阿呆:“没什么意思,意思意思。”   ?   领导:“你这就不够意思了。”   ?   阿呆:“小意思,小意思。”   ?   领导:“你这人真有意思。”   ?   阿呆:“其实也没有别的意思。”   ?   领导:“那我就不好意思了。”   ?   阿呆:“是我不好意思。”?   结果:老外泪流满面,交白卷回国了。。。??? A:“你这是什么意思?”What do you mean? B:“没什么意思,意思意思。”It is nothing, just to show my gratitude.??? A:“你这就不够意思了。”It is unnecessary.?? B:“小意思,小意思。”Just a piece of cake, a piece of cake.??? A:“你这人真有意思。”You are so funny.??? B:“其实也没有别的意思。”In fact, there is no other meaning.??? A:“那我就不好意思了。”I feel a little embarrassed for it.??? B:“是我不好意思。”Its I who should be embarrassed. Example 1 In China: A: 大妈,带给您一个小礼物,可能不中您的意。 B:哎呀,这么客气,又给我带礼物,我不能收。 A: 收下吧,这是专门为您买的。 B: 不不不,我不能收。 A: 来来来,别客气了,拿着。 B: (勉强地) 好吧,又害你破费了。 [B接过礼物放到一边。] Example 2 In America: Chris: Happy birthday, Jenny. This is for you. I hope you’ll like it. Jenny: Oh, thank you, Chris. Mm. What is it? (He opens it.) Oh it’s a beautiful cotton shirt. How sweet you are! Thank youthanks very much. Receiving a Gift in China 您这么客气干嘛呢? 您还是拿回去吧。 Chinese with good manners would normally refuse a gift a few times before accepting anything from anyone. When Chinese people finally accept the gift, they do not open the gift in the face of the gift-giver and they say: 真不好意思,让您破费了。 下不为例。 Receiving a Gift in English Western people express themselves in a frank and direct way. They accept others’ gift quite willingly and say “How sweet you are”. They open the gift immediately and express their appreciation. “Very beautiful. Thank you so much!” What would you do if you gave your Am


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