Magnification narrow-band imaging for the diagnosis of early gastric cancer a review of the Japanese literature for the Western endoscopist》.pdf

Magnification narrow-band imaging for the diagnosis of early gastric cancer a review of the Japanese literature for the Western endoscopist》.pdf

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Magnification narrow-band imaging for the diagnosis of early gastric cancer a review of the Japanese literature for the Western endoscopist》.pdf

REVIEW ARTICLE Magnification narrow-band imaging for the diagnosis of early gastric cancer: a review of the Japanese literature for the Western endoscopist Bu’Hussain Hayee, MRCP, PhD,1 Haruhiro Inoue, MD, PhD,2 Hiroki Sato, MD,2 Esperanza Grace Santi, MD,2 Akira Yoshida, MD,2 Manabu Onimaru, MD,2 Haruo Ikeda, MD,2 Shin-ei Kudo, MD, PhD2 London, United Kingdom; Yokohama, Japan With advances in endoscopic imaging and image en- endoscopic diagnosis before (and indeed instead of) hancement, it is now possible to reliably differentiate biopsy by the examination of the mucosal microvascula- non-neoplastic pathology from cancer throughout the GI ture (MV).7 In particular, the combination of both mag- tract. Techniques developed and reported in the Japanese nification endoscopy and magnification narrow-band literature provide a wealth of information that is not imme- imaging (M-NBI) has made it possible to detect and differ- diately accessible or easy to interpret. Despite this, along entiate between non-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions with many other challenges facing the “Western ” endo- with a much greater degree of accuracy than standard scopist, much of this experience can be translated and white-light endoscopy (WLE). This approach is particularly summarized in a diagnostic algorithm. In this review, we attractive when dealing with early cancer as it enables collate the Japanese data on the use of magnifying endos- endoscopic resection and accurate staging. copy and narrow-band imaging in the stomach. In the esophagus and colon, it has been possible to



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