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中文题目:大唐国际锡林浩特矿业有限公司移动办公系统 外文题目:DATANG INTERNATIONAL MINES LTD. XILIN MOBILE OFFICE SYSTEM 毕业设计(论文)共 00 页(其中:外文文献及译文00页)图纸共0张 完成日期 2013年6月 答辩日期 2013年6月 摘要 移动办公是技术、通信技术与终端硬件技术融合的产物,成为继电脑无纸化办公、远程化办公之后的新一代办公模式办公人员可在任何时间、任何地点处理与业务相关的任何事情。办公人员摆脱时间和空间的束缚单位信息可以随时随地通畅地交互流动,工作更加轻松有效,整体运作更加协调Abstract Mobile Office is a cloud computing technology, communication technology and terminal hardware technology integration of the product, becoming a paperless office computers, the Internet remote-office after the new generation office mode. Office staff may, at any time, any place dealing with business-related anything. In order to make the office staff to get rid of the shackles of time and space, unit information anytime, anywhere to interact with unobstructed flow of Datang International Mining Co., Gol intends to construct the corresponding mobile office system to work more easily and efficiently, more coordinated overall operation of enterprises. In the detailed investigation Gol Mines Ltd. Datang International office management activities based on the combination related theories, methods and techniques, a new system design. After several exchanges and communication with the user to confirm the new systems main function document flow, business contacts, instant messaging and so on.This system is used Wabacus java web framework for rapid development of joint programs and oracle database done through client-side and server interact to complete office work processing, use Microsoft Office Visio2007 drawing tools. The system uses an object-oriented development methods, the use of UML modeling, based on client / server model, the client uses Phonegap framework calls the mobile device itself API, jQuery Mobile framework UI design, javascript send http request and background communication to achieve the effect. Java web server using technical processing business logic and Oracle 10g database for data exchange. To achieve the corresponding system function. Datang International M


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