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本科毕业论文 题 目:国有企业内部控制问题探析 院 (部): 商学院 专 业: 会计学 班 级: 会计121 姓 名: 学 号: 2 指导教师: 完成日期: 2015年5月10日 目 录 摘 要 III ABSTRACT IV 1前 言 1 2内部控制的定义、作用及其重要性 1 2.1 内部控制的定义 1 2.2内部控制的作用 1 2.3内部控制对企业的重要性 2 3我国国有企业内部控制存在的问题 3 3.1国有企业内部控制环境差,内控基础薄弱 3 3.2内部控制风险意识淡薄 4 3.3缺乏内部控制制度执行的监督机制,内部控制制度未能有效执行 5 3.4企业领导对财务部门定位存在偏差,会计基础工作较差 5 3.5企业人员素质参差不齐 6 3.6协调不力,职责不清信息系统失真 6 4加强国有企业内部控制的措施 6 4.1国有企业内部控制建立的原则 7 4.2营造良好的控制环境,加强企业财务控制 8 4.3构建有效的财务激励与约束机制 8 4.4 加强内部控制的监督与评审 9 4.5建立广泛的信息与交流系统 10 4.6利用现代网络技术进行远程监控 10 4.7强调“软控制”的作用 10 5结 论 11 谢 辞 12 参考文献 13 摘 要 A Probe into the Internal Control of the State-Owned Interprises ABSTRACT A national state-owned enterprises refer only to the central government or federal government control of business investment or participation; in China, the state-owned enterprises including involvement by local government-controlled investment companies?.Within a bigger enterprise of scale, it is impossible for the high-rise director to.know about all of the condition of enterprise organizes and to make all decision-making for the grass-roots unit manager personnel .So discussing thr internal control of state–owned enterprise, building and perfecting the hierarchy of control in enterprise is the basis of having an effect to govern the enterprise. This article analyses our country state-owned enterprise reacheing the main situations and existent problems,and doing a few column investigation and discussion about how to control the internal control ofr state-owned enterprises improving control level conscientiously to provide effective way , and having listed and a few typical problems appeared by several state-owned enterprise , to make the article embody out inside especially concretely controlling importance of the position that the insititute holds in state-owned enterprise. Key Words: Internal Control;State-owned enterprise;Business management 1前 言 目前已有许多专家对我国的企业内部控制进行了深刻而全面的研究,并取得了显著的成果。通过分析影响企业内部控制的各个因素,不难发现我国部分国有企业内部控制确实存在了不少问题。例如,企业内部控制认识不足,企业内部控



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