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转塔式数控加工中心设计 摘 要 数控机床是一种高科技的机电一体化产品,是现代制造技术中不可缺少的生产手段。随着科技的不断发展,数控机床在国内也进入了实用化阶段,但在目前我国许多国营大厂都有一批老机床,若在老机床的基础上对其进行改造,配以数控技术,这样不仅可降低成本,而且可提高老机床的使用寿命。因此,我们毕业设计的题目就是将普通铣床改为集镗、铣、钻为一体的八轴转塔式简易加工中心,实现不用人工换刀的情况下,短时间内进行镗、铣、钻的转换,这样不仅可以提高生产效率和加工精度,并且还可以降低成本。我主要负责机床的整体布局和八轴转塔自动换刀装置的设计。在机床的整体布局方面,我从人机工程学和产品造型两方面对机床进行设计。八轴转塔自动装置的工作原理是在八个轴上事先根据工序的安排将加工中所需要的刀具装夹好,当将油注入中心油缸后,产生压力带动整个转塔头使八轴转塔旋转,使其实现自动换刀的功能。这套简易的数控加工中心也应用了近年来才发展起来的变频技术,从而提高了其中的科技含量。由于现在国内的国营大厂都面临老机床淘汰的情况,因此在老机床的基础上进行数控改造是很有市场前景的,从而进行这次毕业设计也是比较实用的。 关键词:数控技术,八轴转塔头,变频技术,自动换刀 DESIGN OF TURRET NUMERICAL CONTROL MACHINING CENTER ABSTRACT The numerical control lathe is the kind of Hi-Tech and electromechanics integrated products, is the indispensable means of production in the modern manufacturing technology. With the constant development of science and technology, the numerical control lathe has entered practical stage of taking too at home. But at present in our country, a lot of state-run factories have a batch of old lathes, if we transform to them on the basis of old lathes and mix them with numerical control technology. We can not only decrease the costs, but also raise the service lives of the old lathes. However, our topics of graduation project is to switch the ordinary milling machines to turret numerical control machining center, which have the functions of boring, milling, and drilling. They can realize to the transfer of boring, milling and drilling in the short time in the condition of being not artificial to transfer knives. It can not only improve production efficiency and machining accuracy, but also decrease costs. I’m responsible for the whole overall arrangements of lathe and the design of eight axles turret numerical control machining center. I apply the knowledge of man-machine engineering and model of the products into the whole overall arrangements of lathe. The operation principles of eight axles turret numerical control machining center is to insert cutters in the axles according to the arrangemen



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