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2015-9-22 Gel Shift Assay Contents 1. Introduction 2. Principle 3. Application 4. Materials 5. Procedure 6. Proof of Specificity Principle DNA-protein complexes migrate slower than non-bound DNA in a native polyacrylamide or agarose gel, resulting in a “shift” in migration of the labeled DNA band. Application Materials 3 or 5 end-labeled DNA target. Protein extract unlabeled DNA target Polyacrylamide gel in 0.5X TBE Electrophoresis apparatus Positively charged nylon membrane Electroblotter transfer apparatus UV lamp X-ray film Prepare the Probe Plan Binding Reactions Procedure 1. Prepare nuclear protein extracts 2. Prepare Biotin- labeled and unlabeled target DNA 3. Plan Binding Reactions 4. Prepare and Pre-Run Gel 5. Prepare and Perform Binding Reactions 6. Electrophorese Binding Reactions 7. Electrophoretic Transfer of Binding Reactions to Nylon Membrane 8. Cross-link Transferred DNA to Membrane 9. Detect Biotin-labeled DNA by Chemiluminescence Proof of Specificity Chromatin immunoprecipitation Used to determine whether a given protein binds to a given DNA sequence in vivo Like all protein analysis involving antibodies (including westerns) a specific antibody is required If there is no specific antibody, then epitope tagging can be employed (FLAG, MYC, HIS) * * 启动子活性分析 基因表达调控的研究策略和常用方法 基因表达调控是多层次的复杂过程 启动子(Promoters) 是位于结构基因5‘端上游的DNA序列,其长度从100 bp到200 bp不等,与转录起始时RNA聚合酶识别、结合和启动转录有关。 启动子控制基因转录的起始时间和表达的程度。 启动子的组成 promoter 普遍转录因子 启动子活性分析 Reporter Assay EMSA ChIP Reporter Assay promoter structural gene promoter reporter gene 报告基因 (reporter)是一种编码可被检测的蛋白质或酶的基因。 (1)已被克隆和全序列已测定; (2)表达产物在受体细胞中本不存在,即无背景,在被转染的细胞中无相似的内源性表达产物; (3)其表达产物能进行定量测定。 (一)氯霉素乙酰转移酶基因(CAT) 可催化乙酰CoA的乙酰基转移到氯霉素3羟基,而使氯霉素解毒。 线性范围较窄,灵敏性较低 (二)β半乳糖苷酶 由大肠杆菌lacZ基因编码,可催化半乳糖苷水解。 (三) 荧光素酶(Luciferase) 是自然界中能够产生生物荧光的酶的统称。荧光的产生是来自于荧光素(底物)的氧化,哺乳细胞无内源性荧光素酶。 最常用的荧光素酶有细菌荧光素酶、萤火虫荧光素酶和Renilla荧光素酶。萤火虫荧光素酶灵敏度高,检测线性范围宽,是最常用于哺乳细胞的报告基因。 (四)荧光蛋白家族:GFP, BFP,RFP promoter luc 荧光素酶报告基因检测 缺失(


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