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In 1899, the American Society of Landscape Architects was founded by 11 people in New York—— most of them associated with Olmsted. The Society continued to represent landscape architects throughout the United States. In 1900, Olmsteds son, Frederick Law Olmsted Jr., organized and taught at Harvard Universitys first course in landscape architecture. 1899年,美国风景园林师协会由纽约11人发起,他们中大多数都与奥姆斯特德合作过。这个协会一直代表着全美国的风景园林。 1900年,奥姆斯特德的儿子,小奥姆斯特德,在哈佛大学专业开设了第一门风景园林课程。 What is Landscape Architecture?By ASLA Unit 1 [1] Although the term landscape architecture was invented by a Scotsman (Gilbert Laing Meason, in 1828), it was an American (Frederick Law Olmsted) who gave birth to the landscape architecture profession. We should therefore pay close attention to the definition of the profession given by the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA). It was as follows: 尽管“风景园林”这个术语是由苏格兰人G.L.梅森于1828年创造的,但是风景园林职业的诞生却是由美国人F. L.奥姆斯特德促成的。 因此,我们应该更多关注由美国风景园林师协会(ASLA)对风景园林做出的定义。它是这样描述的: A Profession In Demand 需求量大的职业 [2] From city council rooms to corporate boardrooms, there is increasing demand today for the professional services of landscape architects. This trend reflects the publics desire for better housing, recreational and commercial facilities, and its expanded concern for environmental protection. Residential and commercial real estate developers, federal and state agencies, city planning commissions, and individual property owners are all among the thousands of people and organizations in America and Canada that will retain the services of a landscape architect this year. 当前,从市政部门到公司企业,对于职业风景园林师的需求的越来越多。 这个趋势反映了公众对居住环境、娱乐和商业设施更优化的需求,以及由其引起的对环境保护的关注。 美国和加拿大今年就有数千个居住和商业地产开发商、国家和州机构、城市规划委员会,以及个人地产所有者请风景园林师为他们提供服务。 More than any of the other major environmental design professions, landscape architecture is a profession on the move. It is comprehensive by definition-no less than the art and science of analysis, planning design, management, preservation and rehabilitation of t
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