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华南师范大学 本科毕业论文 论文题目:关于大学生网购现状实证研究 中文摘要 针对大学生在网购市场中表现非常活跃的状况,本次论文就大学生网上购物的现状及影响因素调查主要分为三个方面:大学生网购总体概况、网购行为特征、影响因素偏重分布情况。首先运用计算机软件EXCEL进行数据处理,再使用SPSS软件进行描述性统计分析,发现了大学生网购总体情况表现活跃,有谨慎、理智的网购行为特征等结论,同时发现大学生的法律意识有待加强、网购行业的社会信用度有待提高等问题。然后,针对前期分析结果,结合统计学知识与计算机软件,我们选取产品价格、产品口碑、产品信息描述、售后服务、交易安全、个人隐私安全这6个变量,采用因子分析方法对这些优劣因素进行进一步分析,得出安全与售后因子得分较高等结果。最后,针对各种存在问题,我们从政府、商家、大学生三个角度提出相应建议。 关键词:大学生,网购现状,行为研究,影响因素,因子分析 Abstract Based on the condition that college students in the online shopping market are very active,for this thesis we research and analyze the current situation and influencing factors of college shopping online through three ways:general overview of college students online shopping,online shopping behavior characteristics, factors emphasis on distribution. First of all,we process investigation data using the MS Excel.Then,with the descriptive statistics by SPSS statistical analysis software package,we find that college students are very active in the online shopping market as a whole and have rational behavior of shopping online,also find that college students need to be more sensible about laws and the credit degree of online shopping industry should be more reliable. According to the result of the former research, we use factor analysis method to do a further analyze on the price, fame, discription, after-sales service,the safty of purchase,and private affairs by using related theoretical knowledge about statistics, based on computer software and find that the scores of the factor purchase safty and after-sales service are higher.At last, we make some suggestions from the views of the government, the companies and the students. Key words:college student,online shopping situation, behavior, influencing factors,factor analysis 目录 1 引言 1 2 研究内容及研究设计 2 2.1 研究内容 2 2.2 研究设计 2 2.2.1 问卷的设计与编制 2 2.2.2 数据收集方式 2 2.2.3 研究样本特征 2 3 文献回顾 3 3.1 网上购物消费的大学生群体特征相关研究 3 3.2 大学生网上购物行为相关研究 3 3.3 大学生网上购物的影响因素相关研究 4 4 数据分析 4 4.1 描述统计分析 4 4.1.1 大学生网购现状的总体概况; 4 4.1.2 大学生网上购物行为分析 5 4.2 基于因子


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