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摘 要 伴随中国经济的飞速发展以及经济全球化进程的加快,中国消费者逐渐产生了不同于以往的消费结构和消费模式。其中,奢侈品消费行为的发展尤为突出与迅速,2009年,在世界奢侈品协会(WLA)报告中显示,截至2009年1月底,世界奢侈品消费前三名国家分别为日本、中国和美国。在中国,奢侈品消费量的浩大和奢侈品市场的广阔,使得国外奢侈品品牌加快了进入中国市场的步伐,研究中国的奢侈品消费状况也随之成为了必要的。 国际国内关于奢侈品消费的研究可以追溯到20世纪,以美国制度学派经济学家凡勃伦(Veblen)的《有闲阶级论》为代表,其后逐渐形成专门的学术队伍对这个领域进行研究,研究者不仅从经济学的角度进行研究,同时也从社会科学和心理学等各个学科对奢侈品的消费进行了研究。管理学和市场营销对奢侈品消费的研究具有自己不同的特点,从经营管理者的角度出发,研究消费者购买奢侈品的消费行为动因及其产生的消费行为模式,与对奢侈品消费群体如何进行管理。 本研究在前人的研究基础上,继续探索某一特定消费群体(中产阶层)的奢侈品消费动因——文化价值观及其对奢侈品消费行为的影响。从文化价值观的角度研究中国中产阶层消费者特殊消费行为——奢侈品消费行为,尝试创建与之相关的文化价值观度量体系,并对中国大中城市中产阶层消费者的奢侈品消费行为做实证分析,力求在揭示我国中产阶层消费者的文化价值观现状与其消费决策行为的本质规律方面有所贡献。 关键词 奢侈品,奢侈品消费行为,文化价值观,中产阶层 ABSTRACT Along with the rapid development of China economy and the globalization of world economy, the Chinese consumers have changed their consumption structure and consumption patterns different from the past. Among them, the luxury products consumption has surged up especially with the rapid development, in 2009, the world luxury association (WLA) report shows that by the end of January 2009, the former three luxury products consumption countries are Japan, China and the United States. With so much luxury products consumption and extensive luxury products market, the vast foreign luxury products brand quickened the pace of entering the Chinese market, thus the study of China luxury products consumption status also subsequently becomes necessary. International and domestic research on luxury products consumption can be traced back to the 20th century, beginning with The Theory of the Leisure Classof Vblen. After that, there is gradually formed special academic research team on this field. Researchers study the luxury products consumption not only from the angle of economics, but also from the social science and psychology. Sciences of management and marketing have also studied the field in a different way. Based on the management of operation and marketing, they pay attention to the motives and styles of the luxury products consumption, stresse


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