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毕业论文(设计) 论文题目: 同类网站查询接口的集成系统设计与实现 学生姓名: 学 号: 所在院系: 计算机与信息工程系 专业名称: 计算机科学与技术 届 次: 指导教师: 淮南师范学院本科毕业论文(设计) 诚信承诺书 1.本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业论文(设计),题目《同类网站查询接口的集成系统设计与实现》是本人在指导教师指导下独立完成的,没有弄虚作假,没有抄袭、剽窃别人的内容; 2.毕业论文(设计)所使用的相关资料、数据、观点等均真实可靠,文中所有引用的他人观点、材料、数据、图表均已注释说明来源; 3. 毕业论文(设计)中无抄袭、剽窃或不正当引用他人学术观点、思想和学术成果,伪造、篡改数据的情况; 4.本人已被告知并清楚:学院对毕业论文(设计)中的抄袭、剽窃、弄虚作假等违反学术规范的行为将严肃处理,并可能导致毕业论文(设计)成绩不合格,无法正常毕业、取消学士学位资格或注销并追回已发放的毕业证书、学士学位证书等严重后果; 5.若在省教育厅、学院组织的毕业论文(设计)检查、评比中,被发现有抄袭、剽窃、弄虚作假等违反学术规范的行为,本人愿意接受学院按有关规定给予的处理,并承担相应责任。 学生(签名): 日期: 年 月 日 目 录 同类网站查询接口的集成系统设计与实现 学生:指导老师:系摘 要:关键词 Student: Wei Min (Faculty Adviser:Chen lei) (Department of computer and information engineering, Huainan Normal University) Abstract:With the rapid development of Internet and network technology, the information on the net growth in vast amounts of way, but we cant get effective information for accurate and fast. Can only be acquired through query interface to access vast amounts of information, in order to be able to access to the same field at the same time multiple Web database, the need for multiple Web database query interface integration. Through the experimental analysis, based on the query conditions of deep Web query interface integration method not only simplifies the complex process of pattern matching, and largely enhances the precision of model integration. Therefore, based on the query conditions of deep Web query interface integration method is efficient and feasible. The ultimate goal of network research depth is for hidden in the Web application after the network data in the database, through online access to background database query interface, which changed the traditional way based on search engine query and access to information brings great challenge. Traditional search engines can only carry on the static page search, the existing interface integration approach mainly integrated each site offers advanced search interface, so that est


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