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毕业生 毕业设计说明书 题 目: 100T/D大豆油精炼车间工艺设计 The design of 100T/D soybean oil refining workshop 院系名称: 粮油食品学院  专业班级: 食工 毕 业 设 计 中 文 摘 要 摘 要 通过查阅有关大豆油精炼的文献,以及对生产实践的总结,参考有关工厂的流程设计,设计了连续水化法脱胶、碱炼法脱酸、白土吸附法脱色,软塔脱臭工艺。设计过程中参考了国内外较先进的工艺,采用了磷酸辅助脱胶的方法,将磷酯的含量降低到要求的范围。使用了连续高效的混合器,而且用离心机连续分离皂脚,使脱胶脱酸工艺实现了连续化生产。脱酸采用了低温长混碱炼工艺,碱可以中和毛油中绝大部分大游离脂肪酸,生成脂肪酸钠盐在油中不溶解,成为絮凝状物而沉降。氢氧化钠与脂肪酸作用生成钠皂,反应速度快,而且生成的钠皂为表面活性物质,吸附和吸收能力都较强,可将相当数量的杂质如蛋白质、色素、磷脂及带有羟基的物质也带入沉降物内,甚至悬浮固体杂质也可被絮状皂团携带下来,简练最显著的优点就是具有脱酸、脱胶、脱固体杂质、脱色的综合作用。脱色工艺采用了先进的白土下料装置,保证了白土下料的连续性和均匀性,从而保证了脱色的效果。两台过滤机可以使脱色油连续过滤为整个工艺的连续化生产提供了条件。脱臭采用真空冷却,即油脂在真空状态下,冷却到150度左右,另外,为了钝化金属离子可能对油脂进行氧化,产生不良风味,在油脂冷却过程中加入了一定量的柠檬酸。使产品达到一级油的标准。 关键词:脱胶,脱酸,脱色,脱臭 毕 业 设 计 外 文 摘 要 Title The design of 100T/D soybean oil refining workshop Abstract By the soybean oil refining literature,and to practice a summary of the reference design process from the factory. This paper have designed the methods of continuous hydration Retting, alkali refining deacidification, white soil adsorption bleaching, deodorization process with soft tower. In designation, I referenced to the process of domestic and the craftof foreignative advanced technology, using the method of phosphoric-acid degumming auxiliary to reduce the content of phosphorus in the required range.by using a continuous efficient mixable equipment, and using centrifuges to separat the soapstock continuous as to degumming and deacidification process to achieve a continuous production. Deacidification used a low-temperature and long-mixed alkali refining process, alkali can neutralize the most of FFA in the unrefined oil,then product Fatty acid sodium salt that is unsolution in the oil,becoming flocculation and sedimentation membranes. Sodium hydroxide and sodium fatty acid react to form fatty acid sodium salt soap ,the speed of reaction is quick, and the production of sodium soap is surfactant,of witch adsorption and absorption capacity is strong, can also make a qu


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