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摘 要
The wind energy which is used as a kind of clean and reproducible energy, nowadays gets more and more important in the energy scarcity cases. Because instability of the wind and continuous enlarging capacity of the single machine in wind power generation, mutual effect between the wind power system and the grid is more and more complicated, so the higher demand is brought forward about the stability of output power of the wind power generation system. The control system may enhance the stability of output power, therefore we have the necessity to analyses control system and the control processes.
The design mainly bases on the control target and strategies of the wind power generation. We have established the alterable pitch control model using the power system dynamic simulation software PSCAD/ EMTDC. Also we have established the model of the wind power system for validating the usability of the controller model. We have simulated the whole system and analyzed the result of simulation, and confirmed the usability of the controller model and its control method.
We have simulated the control system model of the wind power generation, and got a conclusions: The alterable pitch control of wind power generation is the non-linear dynamic control, control system changed pitch angle for acquiring starting torque while the wind power generation started; we adjusted the pitch angle for changing angle which airflow blow vane , when
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