
毕业论文:BSNBusiness Support Network计费系统的预付费入库.doc

毕业论文:BSNBusiness Support Network计费系统的预付费入库.doc

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摘 要 BSN(Business Support Network)计费系统的预付费入库,就是将经过拣重以后的话单文件进行解析并提取其中的信息,然后把这些信息入库,将它们以表的结构存放在数据库中,总的来说它实现的是从文件级到表级的过程。入库后产生了三张表:清单表、费用表和总帐(sd)表。清单表、费用表是给web前台查询用的,为客户提供清单级的查询;sd表的帐目数据是给以后出帐用的,可以为客户提供总帐级的查询。由于电信计费时的数据量很大,入库时,对数据库的操作会很慢,而电信计费要求是快速的实现计费,为此采取批量入库的方法,即写数据库时我们采用批量操作,当提取的记录达到一定数目时,把它们一起写入数据库,从而可以实现快速的对数据库进行写操作。 实现从文件级到表级的转换,关键是如何提取文件中的话单记录并把它放到表中相应得位置中,在这里先读取话单文件的头文件,把它属性标识ID存放到当前文件的属性ID序列ID序列ID来设置话单属性,并把它存放到计费原数据结构TCallDetailRecord)pRecordData的对应的成员变量里ID来匹配取得。 入库时,先用从话单文件中提取的信息以及其他必要信息来填写清单表、费用表和sd表,并把他们以向量的形式存放起来,处理完一个文件后,检查是否到了批量入库的记录数,到了就把这些记录写入数据库。 关键词:BSN;计费系统;预付费;话单文件;入库 ABSTRACT BSN (Business Support Network) Billing System Prepayment is to depositing After sorting heavy billing documents, parse and extract the information, then storage the information, They will need to be stored in the structure of the database. Generally speaking, it realizes is from the document level to the table level process. After depositing have three tables : Detailed list table,expense table and general ledger (sd) table The detailed list table and the expense table are uses for the web onstage inquiry, to provide our customers with inventory level inquiry; The sd table account data is will enter in the accounts to later with, may provided to customers of the general ledger level inquiry. As the telecommunications billing tremendous volume of data and storage, the operation of the database would be very slow. but Telecom Billing demand is the fast realization of billing . Therefore, we adopt the method which the batch goes into storage, write database we use batch operations, When the extraction of a certain number of records, Put them together into the database. Therefore may realize fast carries on to the database writes theoperation. The realization from the document level to the table leveltransformation, the key is how to extract the paper records and put it to the table in the corresponding location .. Here, first reads the head of the bill document ,puts its at



