
毕业论文: 盘磨机传动装置设计.doc

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盘磨机传动装置设计 【摘 要】齿轮传动是现代机械中应用最广的一种传动形式。它的主要优点是:瞬时传动比恒定、工作平稳、传动准确可靠,可传递空间任意两轴之间的运动和动力;适用的功率和速度范围广传动效率高工作可靠、使用寿命长;外轮廓尺寸小、结构紧凑。由齿轮、轴、轴承及箱体组成的齿轮减速器,用于原动机和工作机或执行机构之间,起匹配转速和传递转矩的作用,在现代机械中应用极为广泛国内的减速器多以齿轮传动、蜗杆传动为主,但普遍存在着功率与重量比小,或者传动比大而机械效率过低的问题。另外,材料品质和工艺水平上还有许多弱点,特别是大型的减速器问题更突出,使用寿命不长。国外的减速器,以德国、丹麦和日本处于领先地位,特别在材料和制造工艺方面占据优势,减速器工作可靠性好,使用寿命长。但其传动形式仍以定轴齿轮传动为主,体积和重量问题,也未解决好。当今的减速器是向着大功率、大传动比、小体积、高机械效率以及使用寿命长的方向发展。减速器与电动机的连体结构,也是大力开拓的形式,并已生产多种结构形式和多种功率型号的产品。近十几年来,由于近代计算机技术与数控技术的发展,使得机械加工精度,加工效率大大提高,从而推动了机械传动产品的多样化,整机配套的模块化,标准化,以及造型设计艺术化,使产品更加精致,美观化。在21世纪成套机械装备中,齿轮仍然是机械传动的基本部件。CNC机床和工艺技术的发展,推动了机械传动结构的飞速发展。在传动系统设计中的电子控制、液压传动、齿轮、带链的混合传动,将成为变速箱设计中优化传动组合的方向。在传动设计中的学科交叉,将成为新型传动产品发展的重要趋势。减速器? 轴承? 齿轮? 机械传动The Design of The Plate Mill’s Gear Jia Genqin Class of 0601 Machinery Manufacturing Abstract:Wheel gear’s spreading to move is a the most wide kind of the application spreads to move a form in the modern machine.Its main advantage BE: 1、spreads to move to settle, work than in a moment steady, spread to move accurate credibility, can deliver space arbitrarily sport and the motive of the of two stalks;Power and speed scope; 2、applies are widespreads to move an efficiency high; work is dependable, service life long;、Outline size outside the is small, structure tightly packed.The wheel gear constituted to;from wheel gear, stalk, bearings and box body decelerates a machine, useding for prime mover and work machine or performance organization of, have already matched to turn soon and deliver a function of turning , the application is extremely extensive in the modern machine. Local deceleration machine much with the wheel gear spread to move, the pole spread to move for lord, but widespread exist power and weight ratio small, or spread to move ratio big but the machine efficiency lead a low problem.There are also many weaknesses on material quality and craft level moreover, the especially large deceleration machine’s problem is more outstanding, the service life isn’t long.The decelera




