《中国电动汽车市场迎来井喷 但穆斯克为何充满危机感》.doc

《中国电动汽车市场迎来井喷 但穆斯克为何充满危机感》.doc

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《中国电动汽车市场迎来井喷 但穆斯克为何充满危机感》.doc

中国电动汽车市场迎来井喷 但穆斯克为何充满危机感 Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk has threatened to fire key executives from his China team after weak sales of the automaker’s luxury electric cars由于中国区销售量不佳,特斯拉CEO梅隆.穆斯克已经扬言说要炒掉中国团队的核心主管. And last week, the company’s chief marketing officer in China resigned. Although the media widely covered the management shakeup, the press has largely ignored the context:尽管很多媒体报道了这场管理层地震,但这些报道忽略了一个重要的背景 a massive boom in China’s market for electric cars中国电动汽车市场正在释放重大利好. For after years of lackluster growth, electric vehicle sales in the world’s second largest economy are surging – and they are leaving Tesla TSLA -1.56% behind. This represents a striking change of pace for China’s electric vehicle industry, and is likely a key reason that Musk is flustered.这表明中国的电动汽车行业正在发生引人注目的变化,它很可能也是让穆斯克如此惊慌的一个关键原因 Growth in China’s electric vehicle industry has been a long time coming经过漫长时间的等待. Starting in the early 2000s, China made a lofty高的 goal to leapfrog the West in automotive technology by becoming a world leader in electric cars. The government declared it would have around 500,000 electric vehicles on the road by 2011. That didn’t happen. In fact, China sold fewer than 6,000 that year. Even as electric vehicle sales have swelled in America and Japan, China’s attempt to surpass the U.S. in automotive technology has sputtered.随着美国和日本的电动汽车销量开始井喷,中国在汽车技术领域超越美国的奴隶随着宣告失败 Until recently, China’s lagging electric vehicle industry stood in sharp contrast to its overall auto industry. 直到最近,中国相对落后的电动汽车业与汽车行业整体形成了鲜明对比 From 2000 through 2014从2000年到2014年, China’s auto market expanded at an astonishing rate中国的汽车市场一直在以惊人的速度增长. In 2000, the country produced fewer passenger cars than Spain – about 2 million, according to statistics from the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers. However, China’s Association of Automobile Manufacturers reported last month that 2014 automotive sales surpassed 23 million – making China by far the largest auto market in the world一跃成为


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