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显德汪新矿新井设计 摘 要 这次毕业设计我们所做的是显德汪新矿新井设计。它包括井田地质、开拓、开采、运输、提升、通风、排水以及其它几个方面。显德汪新矿新井设计主要包括以下几部分: 1.井田概述。矿井的地质、地理位置、煤层等基本情况的概述。 2.井田开拓。矿井井田内的可采储量,矿井生产能力及服务年限的确定。以及水平的划分,井筒位置的确定,经济比较部分,采区的划分,井底车场线路计算,硐室布置等部分。 3.采区设计及开采方法。主要介绍采区的设计、开采的技术和技巧、采区巷道布置及回采系统的构成以及采区各峒室的布置和采区的工作制度。 4.矿井生产中的提升、运输、通风、排水方式的确定及其所用设备额选型计算与相关的硐室布置等。 为了实践并且把这四年所学的知识转化成为真正的成果,针对显德汪新矿的实际情况我提出了多种开采方案和设想。例如,长壁工作面采煤法在开采缓倾斜煤层的过程中,在老顶周期性跨落和其它因素的影响下,采用沿空掘巷的方式进行回采、掘进和维护。另外,本设计是我的一个初步浅显的设计,在设计中引用方法也一定存在问题,请各位老师批评指正。并且本设计采用AutoCAD2007辅助设计,减少了绘图的困难并且增加了图纸的可读性。 真心感谢给陈立、王同杰和崔景昆老师在设计中给予我的认真指导,让我学到了很多,我会继续努力学习,不断丰富自己。谢谢! 关键词: 地质、开拓、采煤方法、通风、瓦斯、排水 Abstract This graduation design is about the new mine planning for Xiandewang coal mine. It involves the geology, development, operation, transportation, haulage, ventilation and drainage, among other respects, in special terms; 1. Summary of the mine, this chapter mainly introduces the position, geology and conditions of the coal seam. 2. Mine development. This chapter extrapolates among other areas, reserve, serving limits, working system, spot of the draft, selection of level, further drift of mine, panel division and underground station. 3. Design of mining districts and retreating technology. This chapter explains the general situation of the mining district, technology and techniques of the working face, roadway layout and operation system in the mining district, the design of the mining district station, cave layout and the schedule for drainage and mining in the main mining district. 4. Operational system of the mine, this chapter states transportation, haulage, ventilation and drainage systems of the mine and the selection of equipment used in the system mentioned above. In order to practice and reinforce the wealth of the knowledge learned in the past four years, I try my best to introduce various state-of-the-arts when respecting the specific situation of Xiandewang coal mine. For instance, long wall mine on the inclination, long wall mining on the strike with top co


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