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首都师范大学科德学院 本科生毕业设计(论文) 2012年月剽窃他人的学术观点、思想和果 摘要 随着《美国清洁能源安全法案》在众议院的表决通过,美国对进口产品征收碳关税亦迫在眉睫。中国作为碳排放大国,美国碳关税的征收将会对我国能源密集型行业的出口造成巨大冲击,还会引发欧盟等地区的效仿,形成更大范围内的碳壁垒。“碳关税”的开征必然对占据我国出口市场重要地位的纺织行业造成严重冲击。与其让美国人征收我们的碳关税去补贴他们自己的企业不如我们先征碳关税,所得的税收再补贴自己的企业,以达到企业改变结构,走上良性发展的道路。本文根据纺织行业能耗的现状,重点提出纺织行业推行节能减排的相关措施,最后总结出节能减排是可持续发展的重要途径。只有真正实现节能减排的目标,才能推动行业的可持续发展。 【关键词】 碳关税 纺织业 可持续发展 Abstract With the American Clean Energy and Security Act passed in the House of Representatives, the United States imposing a carbon tariff on imported products is also imminent. As one of the biggest carbon emission countries, the carbon tariffs will have a tremendous impact on Chinas exports of energy-intensive industries, and may also trigger the European Union and other regions to follow, forming a wider scope of carbon barriers. The imposition of carbon tariffs will inevitably bring huge menace to those textile industries which are crucial to the export market. Rather than being indulgent with Americans who exploit us by carbon tariffs, which is for their own sake, we would better implement carbon tariffs in advance by which, in return, the tax can be subsidized to our own industries. In this way, enterprises are on their way to revolve with promising development. Based on the current situation on the energy exhaustion in textile industries, the article attaches its importance to advocate the energy saving and emission reduction, followed by the conclusion that energy saving and emission reduction is the key factor that contributes to a sustainable development. Only by achieving energy saving and emission reduction can the industries be developed sustainably. Key Words: Carbon tariffs, Textile industry, Sustainable development 目 录 引言 1 第1章 碳关税的含义及我国纺织业现状 2 1.1碳关税的含义 2 1.2我国纺织业出口现状 2 1.3纺织业耗能现状 2 第2章 碳关税对我国纺织业发展的影响 4 2.1 碳关税对我国纺织业积极影响 4 2.1.1“碳关税”催逼企业减碳 低碳发展是压力更是商机 3 2.1.2纺织业应积极应对“低碳经济” 3 2.2碳关税对我国纺织业的不利影响 4 2.2.1影响纺织业的正常发展 4 2.2.2冲击纺织业出口,使其出口贸易面临高风险 4 2.2.3影响国内就业,引发社会问题 5 第3章 中国应采取的对策措施 5 3.1积极参与国


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