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毕业设计(论文) 题目名称:指纹识别技术的研究与设计 --指纹图像预处理之一 院系名称:计算机学院 班 级:计科051 学 号:200500814127 学生姓名:李旭 指导教师:杜俊俐 2009 年 5 月 指纹识别技术的研究与设计 --指纹图像预处理之一 Fingerprint Identification Technology Research and Design ---- One of fingerprint image preprocessing 院系名称:计算机学院 班 级:计科051 学 号:200500814127 学生姓名:李旭 指导教师:杜俊俐 2009年 5 月 摘要 指纹图像预处理与是图像处理与模式识别的分支之一, 经过若干年的发展技术日趋成熟。由于指纹的唯一性和不变性,以及指纹识别技术的可行性和实用性,指纹识别已成为当前最流行、最方便、最可靠的个人身份认证技术之一。尽管在此技术上已有多种成型产品,但因为许多核心技术因商业利益和必威体育官网网址需要而未经公开,以及社会的发展对系统的性能提出了更高的要求,所以从事该领域研究,仍具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。 本文完成了如下工作: 1.通过比较多种预处理算法,本文选择并实现了指纹图像分割、图像增强、求方向图、二值化等算法。 2.在细化及识别处理方面,本文提出了8邻域查表的细化算法。 对上述各算法,本文均进行了模拟实验。结果表明,算法的性能达到了设计要求,使整个系统能够快速、准确、可靠地工作。能够完成对256级的灰度指纹图像的处理任务。 关键词 指纹识别;图像处理;图像分割;图像增强; Abstract Fingerprint Image Processing and Recognition of image processing and pattern recognition is a branch of one of a number of years through the development of technology matures. As the only fingerprint and invariance, as well as fingerprint identification technology feasibility and practicability, fingerprint identification has become the most popular, most convenient and most reliable one of the personal identity authentication technology. Although this technology has been in a variety of molding products, but because many of the core technologies for commercial interests and the need for confidentiality and without public, as well as the development of the social system performance has put forward higher requirements, so in this field research, still has an important theoretical and practical value. In this paper, based on the work of our predecessors, to complete the following tasks: First, by comparing the various pretreatment algorithm, the paper choice and realized fingerprint image segmentation, and direction plans, the value of the algorithms. Second, identification and refinement in processing, this paper presents the eight-neighbor look-up table. The above algorithm, a simulation conduct


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