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本科毕业论文 教师体态语言在小学英语教学中的应用 The Application of Teachers Body Language in English Teaching in Primary School 摘 要 新课程理念下,轻松愉快的课堂气氛是学生学好英语的必要条件,而课堂气氛是活跃还是死气沉沉,取决于教师所采用的教学方法。如果教师合理运用体态语进行教学,就能更好的集中学生学习的注意力,提高学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性,使兴趣渗透教学的全过程。体态语就是指在人际交往过程中,用来传递信息、表达情感、表明态度的特定身体态势。本文结合英语课堂教学,首先,对当前小学英语教师体态语在英语课堂上运用的现状进行了调查。通过对锦州各小学150名英语教师进行问卷调查、个别访谈和课堂观察等方法。分析小学英语教师在课堂教学中教师表露性体态语言、说明性体态语言、习惯性体态语言、调节性体态语言运用过程中存在问题。并针对小学教师教师体态语存在的问题从教师表情和目光、手势和距离和从学生思维、注意的特点以及从教学内容的难易、教学表情与内容的一致性等方面提出了有效的对策。以期帮助教师正确的认识教师体态语言的重要性,能够在教学中排除消极体态语的干扰,合理利用正确的教师体态语以提高课堂教学的有效性。 关键词:体态语;小学英语教学;体态语运用 The application of teachers body language English teaching in primary school Abstract Under the new curriculum concept, it is very necessary for students to learn English well in a relaxed and happy atmosphere of classroom, and whether the atmosphere of classroom is active or inanimate depends on teachers teaching methods. It can make students concentrate more and enhance their active in learning English , if teachers can stabilize the students emotions and attract the attention of students, penetrate interesting in the whole process of learning. Body language is used in the process of interpersonal communication, transmission of information to specific body posture, expression of emotion, attitude. This article did a survey that the present situation of English teachers using body language in the classroom in the primary schools. After I surveyed 150 English teachers in the primary schools by questionnaires and classroom observation, analysis of primary school English teachers in classroom teaching of teachers show body language. Body language, that the problem of existence of habitual posture language, regulatory body in the process of language use. Aiming at the existing primary school teachers body language problems from teachers face and eyes,gestures and distance to and from the characteristics of students thinking, pay attention to and from the teaching content, teaching


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