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对药剂师的评价 倡导参与的教育计划: 制定药物管理局准则 配药周期 时事通讯的撰写 In-services presented 文献学习 In-service 病例研究 每年至少16篇 400例临床治疗/年 37例药物不良反应/年 每年一篇PT 时事通讯 每年发表一篇经同行评估的文章 2年深造 文献学习评审, in-service, 或病例研究 至少24/年 400例临床治疗/年 37例药物不良反应/年 高级临床师 临床专家 学术成就 国家医药期刊上发表了42 篇论文 国家临床医药会议上发表了62篇墙报交流稿件 在美国东北大学医学院, 美国麻省医学院, 哈佛大学药学院的教职员工中有29人任要职 有26名注册药物疗法专家 未来临床方向 药剂师处方服务 (协同药物治疗) (CDTM). 扩大门诊接种到所有疫苗(肺炎链球菌,脑膜炎球菌,伤寒杆菌, 等等). 继续深化,细化,改进药学实践实习计划 对未来临床药学服务 (阵痛和分娩,麻醉后监测治疗室, 非卧床)的扩大带来之良机的评估. 协同药物治疗的扩大致病人住院的高风险 结论—包括基本点 教育—药剂师受到6年的综合训练 训练和就业途径—高级实习和认证训练的增加提高了专业知识的深度,提供了更多的就业途径 作用和责任—实践模拟多样化,药剂师对药物疗效负有更多责任 当前趋势—最佳效果的专业实践模式利用技能和技术 UPA Speaker Notes (?4/2001 UPA, LLC) * UPA Speaker Notes (?4/2001 UPA, LLC) * UPA Speaker Notes (?4/2001 UPA, LLC) * UPA Speaker Notes (?4/2001 UPA, LLC) * Key Points For many years, heparin and warfarin have been the primary agents used for anticoagulation. Warfarin came on the market in the mid 1950s; no new oral anticoagulant has been marketed since 1954 More recent injectable agents that have come on the market include low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWHs), direct thrombin inhibiors (DTIs), and synthetic pentasaccharide factor Xa inhibitors AC management services started in the mid 1980s due to a need to provide primarily international normalized ratio (INR) monitoring, and have been integral to improving patient care It is anticipated that the first oral DTI will be available in the United States in 2005 UPA Speaker Notes (?4/2001 UPA, LLC) * Key Points For many years, heparin and warfarin have been the primary agents used for anticoagulation. Warfarin came on the market in the mid 1950s; no new oral anticoagulant has been marketed since 1954 More recent injectable agents that have come on the market include low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWHs), direct thrombin inhibiors (DTIs), and synthetic pentasaccharide factor Xa inhibitors AC management services started in the mid 1980s due to a need to provide primarily international normalized ratio (INR) monitoring, and have been integral t


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