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摘 要 电力电子设备的大量使用使得谐波问题日益严重,谐波成为影响电能质量的主要因素;另一方面,现代用电设备对电能质量更加敏感,对供电质量提出了更高的要求。有源电力滤波器作为治理谐波最有效的手段,其研究和应用越来越受到人们的重视。 本文在综合国内外有关文献的基础上,综述了有源电力滤波器的发展历程、现状和趋势、优缺点及其适用范围,随后简要介绍了有源电力滤波器的分类及拓扑结构。 本文选取了有源电力滤波器(APF)承受基波电压和电流都较小的LC串联谐振注入式混合有源电力滤波器(HAPF)方案作为研究重点。通过建立HAPF系统基于瞬时值的线性微分方程组,进行线性代数坐标变换的方法,分析了这种HAPF的单相等效电路与三相电路在暂态和稳态条件下的等价性。 本文针对二阶HAPF分析了两种复合控制方法:即精确对消特定次数谐波的复合控制方法,和采用两个一阶滞后环节串联来近似二阶积分的复合控制方法。并且在此基础上,提出了运用基于相移SPWM技术的级联变换器来取代原来的单个全桥逆变器。这就使得等效载波频率成倍提高逆变器具有功耗小、输出谐波含量低等优点HAPF中的电压源型逆变器的输出电流波形控制进行了研究,采用状态反馈加重复控制的控制策略,用状态反馈环节保证系统的稳定性,同时依靠重复控制器提高输出电流的跟踪精度。提高二阶混合有源电力滤波器的滤波性能。 关键词:谐波补偿,混合有源电力滤波器,串联谐振注入式,电流波形控制 ABSTRACT The wide use of power electronic equipment makes harmonic problem deteriorated increasingly, and harmonic becomes the primary factor influencing power quality. Active power filter is considered as the most effective method to restrict harmonic. Research and application are widely studied. Firstly the background, development and future prospect of active power filter is described in detail. Then, the thesis introduces the classifications and topology structure of the active power filters. Since the APF in the HAPF of LC series resonance injecting type only support a little fundamental voltage and current, the present study therefore focus on this kind of HAPF. By establishing differential equations and processing coordinate conversion, the equivalence between the HAPF single phase equivalent circuit and the three phase system is discussed. Then the second order HAPF, the paper puts forward two combined control methods: one can compensate some appointed harmonics accurately, the other one can attenuate harmonics higher than 3rd. The cascaded multilevel voltage –source inverter with PSSPWM (phase-shifted SPWM) is proposed in this paper At last,the state feedback and repetitive control algorithm are adopted to correct the output current waveform of the voltage source inverter in the HAPF. In this control strategy, the state feedback loop is used to guarantee s


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