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廊 坊 师 范 学 院 本科生毕业论文 题 目:基于单片机的直流电机PWM调速系统设计与开发 学生姓名:赵帅 指导教师:裴小娜 二级学院:物理与电子信息学院 系 别:电子系 专 业:电气工程及其自动化 年 级:09级 学 号:09050341081 完成日期:2012年1月16日 廊坊师范学院毕业论文 论文题目:基于单片机的直流电机PWM调速系统设计与开发 论文摘要:本设计主要介绍使用微控制器AT89S51的直流电机调速系统。论文主要介绍直流电机调速系统的意义、基于单片机控制的PWM直流电机的调速方法和PWM基本工作原理及其实现方法,通过对占空比的计算来达到精确调速的目的。主电路主要采用四个键盘控制AT89S51单片机,将数据传输给单片机并且产生脉宽调制信号,然后通过电机驱动芯片L298对小型电机进行控制。本设计还附加了由霍尔开关CS3020、AT89S51单片机、74LS47七段数码管译码芯片和四位LED构成的转速检测显示电路。通过按键的调试可以实现控制直流电机启动、停止、方向、速度。设计的整个系统,采用了大量的集成电路模块,大大简化了硬件电路,提高了系统的可靠性和稳定性。 最后在软件方面,介绍了主程序、键盘扫描子程序、PWM信号发生程序、测速子程序和显示子程序的编写思路以及具体的程序实现。 关键词:单片机;直流电机;脉宽调制;转速检测 The Design of PWM Controlled DC Motor Speed Control System Based On Single Chip Abstract: A speed governing system of DC motor by using AT89S51 microcontroller is mainly introduced in my design. This paper introduces the significance of a speed governing system of DC motor, a kind of method of DC motor speed modification, based on PWM theory by the SCM, the basic theory and the way to implement. Through the computation achieves the precise velocity modulation again to the duty factor the goal. The main circuit is adopted four keypads to control AT89S51 mainly, convey data to AT89S51 produce the signal of Pulse Width Modulation and then, control the DC motor through the electrical machinery L298. This design still is added the circuit of rotational speed measuring and showing formed by CS3020 Hall’s switch, AT89S51, 74LS47, and four LED. Through the adjustment of the button can control effectively the DC motor of the start and stop, direction and speed. The design of the whole system has been used the massive integrated circuit module, which can be used to simplify the hardware electric circuit greatly, improve the system reliability, stability. Finally in the software, the main routine, keyboard scan subroutine, PWM signal producing subroutine, velocity measurement subroutine and the demonstration subroutine compilation as well as the specific program are introduced. K


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