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INTERNATIONAL MARKETING Ke Fu International Marketing Something about the course About the book About the study method About the examination The scope and challenge of international marketing International corporations…. These companies’ business were located all around the world….. More and more companies engage in International marketing….. See next page Let’s try to think some Chinese International companies…. again, try to think about some foreign-owned Chinese companies…. Fortune 500 companies (2009) 世界500强公司名单.doc 外资企业在中国 伪国货.ppt 柯达与乐凯联姻(占乐凯20%股份) 比利时英博集团与福建雪津啤酒 嘉士伯收购云南大理啤酒;(云南本省知名品牌,在云南占有1/3的市场份额) 摩根,英联,达能与蒙牛 美华平与哈药 欧莱雅与小护士,羽西 洗涤行业四家年产八万吨以上的洗衣粉已有三家被收购 百威啤酒的制造商AB集团收购中国第四大啤酒商哈尔滨啤酒 无锡威孚是国内柴油燃油喷射系统的最大厂商,被德国博世并购 国际私募股权基金PAG接手了好孩子集团67.4%的股权  北美最大的消费电子零售商百思买以1.8亿美元的价格,收购国内第四大家电连锁商江苏五星电器51%的股权,从而正式进入中国市场; 苹果是哪里生产的? 苹果在全球范围内已经形成一种垂直一体化的生产模式: “硅谷设计-日本精密机械制造芯片-由台湾厂商制造主板-在中国大陆生产外围设备并组合成最终产品”。 苹果的利用与整合超越了国家界限,形成了真正的全球生产体系。 大部分的ipad是在中国成都组装的。 Apple I phone 4 production cost –nearly 200 USD Selling price in USA 600 USD Unicom5980+300 CNY China mobile 7800 CNY Smiling curve The scope and challenge of International Marketing Why do companies engage in International Marketing? - To increase their profit by increasing total revenue or decreasing the cost of goods. - The attractiveness of International market - The saturation of domestic market needs and intensive market competition - - (be continue) The scope and challenge of International Marketing - To take advantages of the regulations and polices of domestic and foreign market - To acquire resources. - To avoid risk - To expand product life cycle - to take part into global production chain More………. The scope and challenge of International Marketing Basis info. About Marketing What is difference between marketing and selling Marketing mix (See page 9) Marketing– Market


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