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The Haiti earthquake was happened in 12 January 2010. and it was a magnitude 7.0 Mw earthquake near Leogane. 北京时间2013年4月20日8时02分四川省雅安市芦山县(北纬30.3,东经103.0)发生7.0级地震。震源深度13公里。震中距成都约100公里。成都、重庆及陕西的宝鸡、汉中、安康等地均有较强震感。据雅安市政府应急办通报,震中芦山县龙门乡99%以上房屋垮塌,卫生院、住院部停止工作,停水停电。截至2013年4月24日10时,共发生余震4045次,3级以上余震103次,最大余震5.7级。受灾人口152万,受灾面积12500平方公里。据中国地震局网站消息,截至24日14时30分,地震共计造成196人死亡,失踪21人,11470人受伤。地震发生后,四川省立刻启动一级应急程序,军区部队紧急出动2000人赶往芦山,两架直升机已经起飞。目前红十字会已经调拨500挺帐篷调往受灾区域。中国人民心连心,一方有难八方支援,全国人民与雅安人民永远站在一起。 The prevention during the earthquake Earthquake is Coming !!! What should we do??? If you are in a moving automobile (car, bus or taxi),stop as quickly and safely as possible and move over to the shoulder or curb, away from electricity poles, overhead wires, and under or overpasses. Stay in the vehicle. A car may move violently on its springs, but it is a good place to stay until the shaking stops. Hide in the car and stop the car near the building its dangerous. During the earthquake you can hide and sit between the two cars if possible. Get under a sturdy table or desk and cover the pillow or some cotton fabric . Hide the bathroom ’s Conner and cover the pillow its good way to save lives. During the earthquake if you are in the public place you can go down and use your arm cover your head. 国家地震灾害紧急救援队(对外称中国国际救援队,英文名称为China International Search Rescue Team简称CISAR),于2001年4月27日成立,时任国务院副总理的温家宝同志亲自授旗。救援队成立以来,救援队的国际救援行动,体现了中国人民对受援国人民的友好情谊,展示了我国在国际人道主义事务领域所发挥的重要作用,表达了我国对构建和谐世界、维护世界和平的道义担当,彰显了我国作为一个负责任大国关心世界、关爱生命的良好形象,为国家整体外交做出了重大贡献,为祖国赢得了荣誉,也为中华民族增添了光彩。 国家地震灾害紧急救援队由中国地震局、解放军某工程部队、武警总医院有关人员组成,目前共计230人左右。CISAR配有8大类300多种20000余件(套)装备及有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站犬20余条。中国国际救援队是一支达到了联合国重型救援队标准的专业地震灾害紧急救援队。 Hydraulic clamp Fire truck Chainsaw Gas masks Brave soldiers The end Thanks a lot!!! EATHQUAKE earthquakes The Omen before an earthquake Everybody running! Where should we go? The earthquake will coming. Tangshan earthquake happened in July 1976 2004 India Ocean Earthquake. This was measured as a 9.0 on