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风机偏航系统的三维建模 指导教师:缪磊、杨树人 摘 要 风力发电机组是利用风能转化电能的能量转化装置,近年来,随着全球经济的飞速发展,各主要工业国家及发展中国家对于能源的需求已经出现巨大瓶颈,化石能源石油天然气的开采也出现危机,而且全球变暖,气候变化,大气污染严重而导致的物种灭绝,化石能源的开采及利用使人类付出巨大的环境的恶化的代价,警示我们对于不可再生能源要冷静思考,从而开发利用绿色可再生的能源成为近年来的热点,风能作为取之不尽,用之不竭的绿色能源的代表,其应用技术已趋成熟。本文从国家十五计划863项目MW级风力发电组的设计课题中出发,主要探讨风力发电机组的偏航系统执行机构。 由于大气的湍流影响,风场风速随着风场空间及时间瞬时变化,风力发电机组的偏航,就是风力发电机组在非定常风场中随着风速方向变化而经控制系统控制偏航机构执行风轮对准风向的动作过程,实现最大捕捉风能,使机组获得更高效率发电的目的,本文主要从风力发电机组的结构及运行原理介绍偏航系统的结构,然后运用传统计算方法和有限元分析方法对偏航小齿校核,探讨偏航机构的设计过程。本课题运用三维建模软件Solidworks2007进行偏航机构建模,偏航减速器零件及其装配体建模,对其运行原理过程制作仿真动画。 关键词:风力发电机组;偏航机构;三维建模 Abstract Windturbine is a energy conversion device which makes wind energy into electricity energy,At recent years,Along with the high level development of world economic,many industrial countries and developping countries have faced a huge energy problem, the exploitation and useing of fossil energy include petroleum and gas have been in trouble condition,and the global warming, climate change and The air pollution lead to kinds of animals dying out,we must take in hand the disaster of the enviroment, alarming us wisely to make energy policy, and the topic of taking advantage of the renewable energy has become a hot one.wind power can be use unlimitedly and non-pollution ,the technology of the using windpower has been developted rapidly, this thesis is given based on national 863 project of Mega-watt variable speed constant frequency windturbine. To have a research on the windturbine yaw system machine. For the turbulence of the air in the windmill, the change of wind velocity direction follows time and space,the yaw system action of windturbine that is the yaw control system to control windturbine to face the right direction by yaw machine in the unsteady aerodymics enviroment condition, to make more efficiency from the wind energy conversion process,maxing the energy input.This thesis mainly begins at the operation principium of a wind turbine,and to introduce the yaw machine ,including the validate of yaw ge



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