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Asking for giving direction Practice 1: Command-Response Railway station BRT station bus stop Aquarium Amusement Park (Disney land/world) China Mobile service hall / China Unicom service hall Internet café/ bar Bath center Plaza/square Residential area 请问到……怎么走? Would/Could you tell me the way to . . . 这附近有没有……? 最近的……在哪? Is there a …near here? /Where is the nearest…./ 到……有多远? 到……需要多久? How far is it to…/ How long does it take to get to.. 到……坐几路车 Which bus can I take to get to (how can I get) 那儿附近有什么标志性的建筑吗? Are there any landmarks nearby? ……在哪个方向 In which direction is … No parking Buses only School ahead Sidewalk Zebra crossing One way No left/ u turn Crossroads /fork Keep clear 顺着这条路走 take this road /go down this street 第三个路口左转 turn left at the third crossing/ crossroads 往前一直走500米 Go ahead for about 500m 路过左手边的一个超市 youll pass a supermarket on your left 你走错路了 you‘re going the wrong way/ youre going in the wrong direction? 沿着这条街一直走直到你看到一个加油站,然后右转 Go down this street until you see a pertrol station, then turn right 就在你左手边/ 路口/拐角 It is on your left/ at the crossroads/ at the corner 坐33路公交车,在二七广场下车 Take bus No.33 and get off at erqi Plaza. 您可以在火车站换乘10路公共汽车 You can transfer at the railway station for the No. 10 bus. 您可以乘坐地铁1号线在西单换乘地铁4号线在平安里下车 You can take subway line1 and transfer to subway line 4 at xidan station . Then get off at pinganli 丁字路口左转 Turn left at the Fork 就在未来路和航海路的路口 It is on the corner of hanghai Road and weilai Road. 为什么不打车去。这离那太远了。 Why don‘t you take a taxi. It is far. You can’t walk. 乘公共汽车,在下一站下车,换乘地铁坐五站路 Take a bus, get off at the next stop, then change to the subway for five stops. 沿着这条街一直走到第一个红绿灯处 Go down this street until you hit the first traffic light. 沿着西大街走,然后你能看到它在右边。它在鞋店和大型购物中心之间。 Walk along West Avenue and you can see it on the right. Its between the shoe store and the shopping mall. 总有一群隐身的朋友如死人一般躺在你的好友列表里,偶尔诈诈尸,时不时还会改改他们的墓志铭。 Therere always some people in your friend list who prefer being invisible. Theyre us


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