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摘 要 本文主要从文学、社会学和政治学等角度,对《小雅》怨刺诗产生的时代背景、所反映的周代思想、内容情感以及艺术特征等方面进行研究分析。全文共分为四章。第一章主要分析了《小雅》怨刺诗产生的时代背景。从社会动乱和礼崩乐坏两个方面窥探怨刺诗产生的各种内在和外在的原因,从而能够加深对《小雅》怨刺诗的认识和理解。第二章主要探讨了《小雅》怨刺诗所反映周代社会思想。第一,认为《小雅》怨刺诗反映了周代统治阶级的专制思想,包括宗法制度和“王权”神授两方面的内容。第二,认为《小雅》怨刺诗反映了西周末年的“敬天保民”思想,认为西周末年的“敬天保民”思想相对于西周初有了一定的变化。第三,认为《小雅》怨刺诗反映了周代的官吏选拔与任用思想。第三章《小雅》怨刺诗的内容及情感特征,主要从《小雅》怨刺诗的不同主旨及文人主体意识来研究其文学特色。第四章主要研究《小雅》怨刺诗的艺术表现手法,从传统的赋比兴手法入手,抽茧剥丝,深入分析赋比兴的具体表现形式。 关键词:《小雅》;怨刺诗;时代背景;周代社会思想;情感特征;艺术手法 关键词最多5个 红色字是修改后的字, 蓝色字是提醒或还需斟酌的字词 Abstract This paper is mainly from the point of view of literature, sociology and political science, Xiaoya complain thorn poetry generated background of the times, which reflect the thinking of the Zhou Dynasty, the contents of the emotional as well as Art features. The text is divided into four chapters. The first chapter analyzes the Xiaoya blame thorn poetry background of the times. From two aspects of social unrest and Ceremony Disintegration spy blame thorn poetry produced a variety of internal and external reasons, to be able to enhance the awareness and understanding of the blame thorn poetry Xiaoya. The second chapter discusses the Xiaoya blame thorn poetry reflected in the Zhou Dynasty Social Thought. First, think the Xiaoya blame thorn poetry reflects the autocratic ideology of the ruling class in the Zhou Dynasty, including both the contents of the patriarchal system and the kingship divine. Second, that the Xiaoya blame thorn poetry reflects the thinking of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Dear Mary Rose, that Dear Mary Rose, thinking of the Western Zhou Dynasty has been some changes with respect to the early Western Zhou Dynasty. Third, Xiaoya blame thorn poetry reflects the Zhou Dynasty Officer Selection and appointment thinking. Chapter Xiaoya blame thorn content of the poem and emotional characteristics, mainly from the Xiaoya blame thorn poem awareness of its subject and literati main study their literary characteristics. Chapter major research Xiaoya blame thorn poetry


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