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Commercial vehicle * CHAPTER 7 BODY SEA * §4.9 body construction separate frame construction unitized body construction semi-integral body construction Question 1: List the types of BODY. 1) A separate frame must be light yet strong enough to resist the various loads and road forces. Commercial vehicles normally use a separate steel frame to provide the rigidity needed to support the various loads. The two long side members of channel section are riveted to a number of cross members to give a low weight frame which offers great resistance to bending, twisting. 分离式车架必须足够轻巧而且结实,以承受变化的载荷和路面作用力。商用车通常使用分离式钢质车架,可获得较好的刚度以承受变化的载荷。两根槽形截面的长纵梁铆接着很多横梁,这使车架重量较轻,具有较好的抗弯和抗扭能力。 2) Most cars use a unitized body construction, a combined body and frame. Unitized body construction is lighter than body/frame construction, but noisier. Rubber mounts are used between the body section and mechanical parts to absorb vibrations. The floor pan is made of sections that support the rear suspension and the transmission. 多数汽车采用承载式车身,将车身和车架融为一体。承载式车身比非承载式车身质量轻,但噪声大。在车身和机械部件之间安装橡胶块以吸收振动。地板由一些支撑后悬架和变速器的部件组成。 刮水器 wiper 保险杠 bumper 后视镜 rear view mirror 前围 front wall 后围 back wall 侧围 side wall 顶盖 roof 仪表板 instrument panel(dash board) 地板 floor 顶窗 sky-light window Passenger car 发动机罩 engine hood 挡泥板 madguard (fender apron) 导流板 flowguide (air deflector) Engine compartment 发动机舱 Passenger compartment 车厢 Body, body assembly 车身 Body shell, main body 白车身,车身本体 Interior trimming 内饰 Unit (unitary) body construction, integral body 承载式车身 Body chassis frame construction, separate frame construction 非承载式车身 Body accessaries 车身附件 Luggage compartment ,luggage hold 行李舱 Cover panel 车身覆盖件,蒙皮 5.1前翼板 front fender, front wing 5.2发动机罩前支撑板 front end panel, nose panel 5.3发动机罩 engine hood 5.5前裙板,水箱挡泥板front valance panel, front skirt panel, front bumper stone, reflector 5.6散热器固定框radiator support, front baffle, deflector 5.7前挡泥板front fender apron, wheel apron, hood ledge 5.8前横梁 front cross member, fr


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