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33 7 Vo l. 33 N o. 7 20 10 7 CH INESE JOU RNA L OF CO M PU T ER S July 2010 DOCSIS 1) 1) 1) , 2) 1) 王 沁 郭艳飞 宋丽华 杜立国 1) 100083) 2) 100 144) DOCSIS , CM Cable M o dem) , . , CM H FC T DM A CM T S , CM . , , , . CM SoC , DO CSIS 1024 , . ; H DT V ; DOCSIS; CM ; T P 302 DOI : 10. 3724/ SP. J. 10 16 . 2010. 0 1305 An Adaptive Compensation Timing Synchronization Algorithm for DOCSIS Up Channel WA N G Qin1) GU O Y anF ei1) SON G LiH ua1) , 2) DU L iGuo1) 1) (Inf ormation Technology School, University of Science and Technology , Beij ing 100083) 2) (I nf ormation Technology School , N orth China University of Technology , Beij ing 100 144) Abstract In t his paper, w e f ir st ly pr opo se an adapt iv e compensat ion t iming sy nchroniz ation al g orit hm, which bases on the analy sis of t iming synchro nizat ion mechanism fo r CM s of t he DO C SIS specif icat io ns . By accurat ely predict ing t he tim e o f w hich t iming error s come up and g iving tim ing co mpensat ion in t im e, t he propo sed algor it hm can m ake CM s acquire t he g lobal t iming synchro nizat ion t o CM T S in not sure) t he H F C up st ream T DM A channel, and ensure t he CMs access t he channel and tr ansm it services co rrect ly. T hen, w e also describe an optim iz ed imple m ent ation f or t he alg orit hm, w hich replaces all involved mult iplydivision operat ions by addsub t ra


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