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第一讲(Part I) 企业价值评估的基本模型 (Basic models of corporate valuation) 4. 市场价值(market value): 市场价值是在符合市场价值定义的条件下,市场上能够合理形成的最可能价格。 (The most likely price under market value conditions ) 市场价值条件:(1)买者和卖者的地位是平等的,彼此都有获取足够市场信息的机会和时间;(2)买卖双方的交易都是在自愿的、理智的条件下进行的,不受任何强迫和压制。 market value conditions:(1) the position of buyers and sellers are equal, and both of them have chance and time to acquire market information; (2) the transactions are voluntary and rational without external coercion and repression. Dechow etc.1999;Lee etc. 1999;Liu etc.2000: 如果将财务分析师预测数据用于股利贴现模型,则该模型与超常收益模型效果基本相同( dividend discount model can do as well as abnormal earnings model if financial analysts’forecastings are used)。 Myers (1999); Hand and Landsman (1998,1999): 发现了与Ohlson模型的线性动态信息模型不一致的证据(there is evidence that the linear dynamic information assumption in Ohlson model is not always true)。 非常感谢! 欢迎批评! 山东大学管理学院 袁明哲 企业价值评估 Corporate Valuation 中国山东大学管理学院 袁明哲 Dr. Mingzhe Yuan, Professor, Management School, Shandong University, China 一、企业价值的概念(concepts about firm value) (一)企业价值的定义(Definition of firm value) 1. 内在价值(Intrinsic value): 2. 企业价值=负债价值+股权价值      =负债价值 + 优先股价值 + 普通股价值 firm value= value of debt+ value of equity =value of debt +value of preferred stocks +value of common stocks 3.公允价值(fair value ): 财务会计:在公平交易中,熟悉情况的交易双方自愿进行资产交换或者债务清偿的金额。 Financial accounting: the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction 资产评估:在特定时期、地点和条件约束下的公平交换价值。 Valuation: the fair exchange value, in a particular period, place and under constraints conditions 有效市场中(efficient market): 市场价值=公允价值=内在价值=市场价格 Market value=fair value =intrinsic value =market price 5.账面价值:根据会计准则确认的资产价值 Book value: total asset value recognized by accounting standards 7.企业价值评估中使用的价值类型: Value type in corporate valuation 市场价值与非市场价值 Market value and non market value 市场价值以外的价值: 投资价值,


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