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电 子 科 技 大 学 关于中国民生银行员工招聘及培训 的探讨 摘 要 本文通过问卷调查分析了中国民生银行招聘现状,发现中国民生银行员工招聘过程中存在的主要问题,如缺乏中长期人力资源规划、缺乏明确的招聘标准、招聘渠道选择不当等主要问题;然后针对民生银行招聘过程中存在的问题寻找有效的解决方法,如进行中长期人力资源规划、确定合理的招聘标准、选择合适的招聘渠道等方法。民生银行应积极制定严格人员甄选方法,以及合理合法规范企业用人方式等,使企业的招聘工作更加有效。 另外随着市场经济体制以及全球经济一体化时代的到来,我国企业遇到了前所未有的机遇和宽广的发展空间,但随之而来的市场竞争也明显加剧。众所周知,市场竞争愈演愈烈,但最根本上的竞争是人才的竞争和团队的竞争,企业的长期生存和发展壮大,离不开人这一重要的资源。正因为如此,所有企业都意识到了人才的重要性,越来越多的企业更加重视人力资源的管理和开发工作。;因此,如何培训自己的员工,有效提升员工队伍的整体素质,形成一支稳定的、高素质的员工队伍来保障企业健康、持续的发展,是企业领导人解决员工培训的首要任务。 关键词:企业招聘;问题;对策;培训 Abstract In this article China Minsheng Banking Corporation’s recruitment will be analysed as an example. Analyze China Minsheng Banking Corporation’s recruitment status quo through a questionnaire survey firstly, such as have no long-term human resource planning, unreasonable standards, have no effective method .Then analyze of the reasons for China Minsheng Banking Corporation’s recruitment problems and seek effective solutions by researching China Minsheng Banking Corporation’s recruitment system, such as make a long-term human resource planning, development of clear criteria, increase diversity through recruitment practices. Enterprises should institute strict methods in staff selection, and norm a reasonable and legitimate way to employ to make the recruitment of enterprises more effective. Along with the market economy and the era of global economic integration, and the coming of economic globalization,the enterprises in our country meet unprecedented opportunities and wide development space,but the following market competition obviously intensifies. As we all know, Competition is heating up, but the most fundamental of competition talent competition and team competition, But fundamentally,But the most fundamental of competition is competition for talent and team competition, the companys long-term survival and growth, can not do without people of this important resource. Just for this reason,all enterprises realize the importance of talents and more and more enter



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