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摘 要 在科学家合作网络中,有许多科学家的名字是相同的。目前知名的学术平台如 Arnetminer ,Springer,ACM ,DBLP ,CiteSeer 等在对科学家进行学术能力统计的时 候,以科学家的名字来区分科学家,造成了大量的统计误差,也给科学家合作网络 研究带来较大偏差,因此重名排岐问题具有很大的研究意义。 已有的重名排岐算法在特征的选取上主要集中在共同作者,引用关系,作者单 位等,在模型的选择上主要是图模型,存在着精度和召回率都不高的问题。通过分 析归纳人在处理重名排岐问题时所用到的方法,将重名排岐这个聚类问题转化为判 断两篇学术论文是否为一作者的分类问题。在吸收和改进前人处理重名排岐问题时 抽取的特征的基础上,提出了一些新的特征:共同作者(Co-Author ),主页 (Homepage ),引用关系(Citation ),作者单位(Co-Org ),标题相似度(Titile-Similariy ), 有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站引擎(Digital-Lib ),文献原文(PDF File )。采用感知机来作为分类器,使用 个人主页作为约束对感知机的分类结果进行修正。 为了进一步提高重名排岐算法的准确性,引入户反馈信息。根据反馈用户的可 信程度,将反馈进行分类,从低可信用户反馈中提取特征加入到感知机的输入中, 选择了高可信用户反馈作为额外约束来修正感知机的输出,将用户反馈作为训练集 对感知机进行持续训练,不断地修正感知机。实验结果表明,引入用户反馈以后, 重名排岐算法的准确性能得到大幅的提升,取得了比较好的效果,目前此算法已经 运用在 Arnetminer 系统中。 关键词:重名排岐,学术网络,特征提取,约束,用户反馈 I Abstract There are many scientists of same name among the scientist cooperation network. Renowned academic platforms such as Arnetminer, Springer, ACM, DBLP and CiteSeer have the problem that when they calculate the academic ability of the scientists, they regard several scientists of same name as one person. Because of the ambiguous names, there exist a lot of errors in the scientist cooperation network, which cause confusion to the research based on it. Thus, name disambiguation is meaningful. Existing name disambiguation algorithms mainly extracted features from co-authors information, authors’ organization and citation relationship to input to the graph model. These algorithms have a common weakness of low recall and lacking the ability of continuous learning. Name disambiguation is translated into a problem of classification by estimating whether two papers are written by same author. By adopting features used by existing algorithms and analyzing the manual progress of name disamb



