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第一章:品牌和品牌管理 1 第 2 章:以客户为基础的品牌权益 8 第三章:品牌定位 14 第四章:选择品牌要素以建立品牌资产 20 第五章:设计营销方案,以建立品牌资产 24 第六章:整合营销传播建立品牌资产 32 第七章:利用次要品牌协会,以建立品牌资产 37 第 8 章:开发一个品牌资产测量与管理系统 40 第九章:品牌资产的测量资料来源:收集客户心态 46 第 10 章:品牌资产的测量结果:捕捉市场表现 51 第 11 章:设计和实施品牌战略 55 第 12 章:介绍和命名新的产品和品牌延伸 59 第 13 章:品牌管理超过 65 时 第 14 章:管理品牌在地域界限和市场细分 72 第 15 章:关闭观测 79 一般介绍的案件 教学札记 1。英特尔公司:品牌的成分89 2 。新秀:95 商品品牌一 3 。通用电气:品牌在企业对企业99 4 。红牛 - 建设 102 品牌资产的新途径 5 。 MTV 的 - 建立品牌共振 107 6 。耐克 - 打造全球品牌 112 7。 iPod 的:创建一个标志性品牌 118 8 。杜邦 - 企业品牌管理 121 9 。利维的码头工人:建立一个子品牌 125 10。妮维雅 - 管理品牌组合 131 11。雅虎 - 管理一个互联网品牌 137 12。美国运通:142 个金融服务品牌 13。星巴克 - 品牌管理的高增长 147 14。 Snapple - 复兴一个品牌 153 15。埃森哲 - 重塑品牌和全球大国的品牌重新定位 158 Chapter 1 Brands Brand Management Overview This chapter sets up the rationale for the book. Because brands are so valuable to the firms that manufacture them and the consumers who purchase them, and because the marketplace has become increasingly complex and competitive, brand management is more important and challenging now than it ever has been. Brand managers face a seemingly unlimited number of options and opportunities with respect to product, price, place and promotion strategies. But they also face increased risk as they strive to deal with sea changes in the marketing environment, including the rise of private labels, media fragmentation, pressure for short-term results, shifting consumer preferences, and technological advancements that level the product feature playing field, to name just a few. Despite these pressures, many brands continue to grow and flourish, as evidenced by the global successes of such mega-names as Nike, Disney, Mercedes, and others. Moreover, even categories that heretofore had been thought of as consisting of mundane commod


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