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第 33卷 第 2期 测绘与空间地理信息 Vol. 33, No. 2 2010年 4月 GE OMA TICS SPA TIAL IN FORMA TION TECHN OLOG Y Apr., 2010 GIS 1 1 2 朱邦耀 , 孙丽敏 , 李利平 ( 1. 吉林师范大学 旅游与地理科学学院, 吉林 四平 136000; 2. 丽水学院建筑工程系, 浙江 丽水 323000) : 随着信息技术的飞速发展, G IS软件产品 广泛应用于几乎与地理坐标相关的所有领域,软件的规模和 复杂度都有很大的提高因此, 提高软件质量及可靠性 成为当前软件工程领域的重要任务软件测试是保障 软件质量的有效手段本文以警用地理信息系统为例, 着重介绍软件测试以及在警用 GIS中软件测试方法以及 存在的问题 : 地理信息系统;软件测试; 警用地理信息系统 : P208 : B : 1672- 5867(2010) 02- 0037- 04 Software Test of GI S Based Police Information System 1 1 2 ZH Bang- yao, S N Li- m in , LILi- ping ( 1. Sc ool of Tourism and Geograp y, Jilin N ormalUniversity, Siping 136000, C ina; 2. Deparmt ent ofA rc itecture and CivilEngineering, Lis ui College, L is ui 323000, C ina) Abstract: W ith the rapid development of information technology, GIS sofwt are products have been widely applied almost to all areas related to geographic coordinates, the scale and complexity of the software has already greatly increased. Consequently the mi provement of software quality and reliability has become an mi portant task in software engineering. Software testing is an effectivemeans that guar- antees sofwt are quality. This paper mainly introduced sofwt are testing, and the methods and problems of software testing in the GIS based police information system. K ey words: G IS; software testing; police geographic information system 0 1 GIS GIS, 1. 1 GIS, , Grenford J. M yers GIS, GIS TheArt ofSofwt areTesting: , GIS, ; , , ; , ; , ,,


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