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我国上市公司并购绩效评估研究 我国上市公司并购绩效研究∗ 1 金永红 ,周小梁 华东理工大学商学院金融创新研究中心,200237 摘要:本文以上市公司的并购事件为研究对象,运用主成分分析法等统计方法,建立综合得分模 型,比较上市公司并购前后绩效变动情况。得出不同并购类型绩效差异性的基本结论:上 市公司的并购行为并没有给企业的业绩带来明显的提升。在分析了实证结论之后,本文提 出相应的政策建议:应当充分发挥政府在上市公司并购中的积极作用,提高社会资源的配 置效率,防止为了追求暂时的政治利益而牺牲社会资源配置效率,上市公司不应当追求扩 张而进入陌生领域。 关键词:上市公司,兼并与收购,主成分分析法,绩效评估 Study on assessment of MA performance of listed companies of China 1 Jin Yonghong ; Zhou Xiaoliang Business School, East China University of Science and Technology, 200237 Abstract: By using principal component analysis, setting up comprehensive score model, and comparing the change of performance of listed companies before and after MA, this paper studies the MA of listed companies. Some basic conclusions are drawn forth that different types of MA lead to different performances and that MAs of listed companies don’t improve clearly the performances of enterprises. After analyzing the reason for these conclusions, this paper proposes following suggestions: the government should play an active role in MA to improve the efficiency of resource allocation, and avoid the loss of resource allocation efficiency for the contingent benefits of polity; the listed corporation should not step in unacquainted business areas aimlessly. Keywords: listed company, MA, principal component analysis, performance evaluation ∗ 基金资助:2006 年度国家社会科学基金项目(06CJY006 );2005 年度上海市教育科学研究项目(B05018 );华东 理工大学文科基金。 作者简介:金永红(1968-),男,安徽枞阳人,博士后,副教授,金融创新研究中心主任,主要从事资本运营、 风险投资和金融工程方面的研究



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