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2007 年6 月 华 东 经 济 管 理 Jun. , 2007 第21 卷第6 期 East China Economic Management Vol. 2 1, No. 6 我国产业结构与科技人才培养结构: 1978 2005 年的实证研究 文玉春 ( 山东财政学院 经济学院, 山东 济南 250014) [ ] 文章从产业结构对科技人才培养结构影响的理论分析入手, 针对两者之间的关系, 首先采用格兰杰 ( Grang r) 因果关系检验方法, 得出我国产业结构是科技人才培养结构的原因, 而科技人才培养结构不是产 业结构的原因; 然后通过拓展的Dick y- Full r 检验, 利用协整检验技术, 说明我国的产业结构和科技人才 培养结构之间不存在长期稳定的关系 [ ] 产业结构; 科技人才培养结构; 格兰杰因果关系检验; ADF 检验 [ ] F015 [ ] A [ ] 1007 5097 ( 2007) 06 0044 05 Empirical Analysis on the Relation between the Industrial Structure and Scientists and TechniciansTraining Structure in our Country from 1978 to 2005 WEN Yuchun ( Economic School, Shandong Univ ersity of Finance , Jinan 250014, China) Abstract: This pap r carri s out th analysis from th industrial structurs influ nc on sci ntists and t chnicianstraining structur , Focusing on th r lation b tw n th industrial structur and sci ntists and t chnicians training structur , firstly, th pap r us s th Grang r causality t st and finds out that in our country th industrial structur is th r ason of sci ntists and t chnicians training structur , whil sci ntists and t chnicians training structur is not th r ason of th industrial structur ; th n, th pap r, using th augm nt d Dick yFull r t st and coint gration t st, prov s that th r is no long- t rm stationary r lation b tw n two variabl s. Key words: industrial structur ; sci ntists and t chnicians training structur ; Grang r causality t st; augm nt d Dick y- Full r t st , MJ ( 1995) , , ,



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