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北京外国语大学 2003 年硕士研究生入学考试基础英语试题 I .Reading Comprehension This section contains two passages. Read each passage and then answer the questions given a t the end of each passage, using the answer sheet provided. Passage One Hillary Clinton was in her element. On stage at Belfast’s Grand Opera House last week, flanked by volunteers and politicians’ wives, Clinton celebrated the role of women in the Northern Ireland peace process. In a confident speech reminiscent of another Clinton, she urged her audience to keep pushing for a common-sense end to the ages-old conflict. On her last official overseas trip as First Lady, Clinton fondly recalled not only earlier visits to Belfast, but her travel around the globe. Now she’d come to say farewell and, as she put it, to “end one chapter in my life.” But traveling with the president on his victory lap around the British Isles last week, Hillary was opening a whole new book. As the Clintons prepare to leave the White House, Bill isn’t the only one thinking about a legacy. Hillary has racked up a long list of First Lady “firsts”: first baby boomer, first professional woman, first to head a major government task force, first to testify before a grand jury. “Hillary Clinton is, in my estimation, the single most accomplished First Lady in American history,” say Carl Anthony, a former Nancy Reagan aide and author of “American First Families.” But it’s been a bumpy ride. “She might say surviving is her greatest triumph,” says a friend. Now her election to the U. S Senate and a staggering new book deal prove that Clinton has not only survived -she’s thriving. So much so that she’s already topping the whispering list of contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004. Despite all her


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