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林志穎 Chih-ying Lin 正修科技大㈻通識教育㆗心 摘 要 本文係針對藝術中較為精粹的部份──「音樂」來作為論述的歸屬點, 由音樂擴散出而涵蓋的各個層面階級,包括認知基礎、社會功能、政制形式 、民族思維方式及文字、數字等,做一全面性的思想背景差異的討論,最後 歸論於中、西音樂思想異同的探討。而由音樂層面所延伸出來的比較主題, 在西方以叔本華(Arthur Schopenhauer)及康德(Immanuel Kant)的音樂 哲學思想為探討對象,在中國則主要以《禮記‧樂記》為例。 關鍵字 : 叔本華、音樂、意志、康德、《禮記‧樂記》、詩 390 臺灣戲專㈻刊 Performing Arts Journal A Discussion on the Differences of the Musical Thought among Kant, Schopenhauer,and Confucianists Chih-ying Lin Abstract The purpose of this treatise presented is to concentrate the discourse on the comparatively essential part of the art--music , from which to every aspect of domain, as the foundation of recognition, the function of society, the forms of political systems, the patterns of peoples’ thinking, the use of character and figure etc., the present writer extends a discussion on the differences of the whole background of thought, finally concluding the study of the inconsistency and similarity between Chinese and western musical thought. As for the extended comparative subject from music, the thought of musical philosophy about Arthur Schopenhauer and Immanuel Kant is put forth for debate in the west , and “the Book of Rites: the Book of Music” is set an example for in China. Key words: Arthur Schopenhauer, music, will, Immanuel Kant, “Li-chi Yueh-chi” (“the Book of Rites: the Book of Music”), poem. 有關叔本華、康德與儒家音樂思想差異之探討 391 林志穎 Chih-ying Lin 正修科技大㈻通識教育㆗心 ㆒﹑前言—㆗西音樂思想背景認知之基本差異 在世界文明史上,西方古希臘文明傳統與東方中國的文化傳統,稱得 上是文明的主流文化。古希臘文化雖經歷多次的戰爭、分裂,現在的希臘 已不復當年的統治英姿;不過它的文明仍舊深深影響著今日的西方世界, 不論在宗教、藝術、社會性的種種層面,今日


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